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University of the Pacific
University of the Pacific, Holt-Atherton Department of Special Collections, University Library
Stockton, California 95211
Phone: (209) 946-2404
Email: None
Collections with online items: 18
Physical collections: 338
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Adrian (Sylvester "Syl" F.) John Muir Memorial Park, Wisc. Papers

The collection includes newspaper clippings, articles, correspondence, photographs and taped interviews of the Adrians and others living on Muir family historic sites by Dr. Ronald H. Limbaugh, Dir., John Muir Center, University of the Pacific, Stockton, Calif....

Alley (Harry) Collection

This collection contains Harry Alley's mayoral newsletters, Rio Vista Superintendent of Schools Newsletters, Letters to the Editor, and various other speeches, writings (fiction and non-fiction), biographical material, and school material.

Alpha Omega Club (Stockton, Calif.) Records

The Alpha Omega Club collection consists of scrapbooks containing invitations, napkins, party favors, and score cards for card games; minutes indicating who was in attendance, describing decorations, food served, gifts given and activities; newspaper clippings of club and member activities;...

Altman (Harold N.) Sacramento History Papers

Altman's papers include reports, corrrespondence, and miscellaneous printed material pertaining to his activities as a local historian and politician of Sacramento, with particular emphasis upon his tenure on the Historic Landmarks Commission (1956-1961)....

Altrocchi (Julia C.) Poetry Collection

The Altrocchi Collection consists of books, pamphlets, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers....

American Red Cross. San Joaquin County (Calif.) Chapter Records

The San Joaquin County Chapter of the American Red Cross Collection contains: histories; minutes (1898-); correspondence (1905-) and other materials, notably those relating to Fund Drives (1940-1953) and Blood Campaigns. The largest component of the collection is the Chapter's forty...

Anderson (Artemisia D.) Poetry Notebook

This collection consists of a photocopy of Artemisia Anderson’s 158-page poetry notebook, a photograph of Mrs. Anderson, and a typed transcription of the notebook....

Atherton (Warren H.) Papers, 1891-1976

The Atherton Papers consist of correspondence pertaining to the GI Bill, the American Legion, Holt Family matters and the Jedediah Smith Society. The Papers also contain clippings, scrapbooks, photographs and memorabilia relevant to the public and family life of Warren...

Badè (William Frederic) Collection

The collection consists of the papers of William Frederic Badè and including primarily Badè correspondence and contracts concerning books by or about John Muir, writings about John Muir, transcribed correspondence of John Muir

Barnes (Jesse W.) "Doctors of San Joaquin" Manuscript

This collection consists of some correspondence and an unpublished 345 page typescript of a history of medical practice in San Joaquin County (1847-c1947). The history contains photographs and biographies of practitioners and buildings. Barnes apparently compiled and wrote "Doctors" over...

Bastian (Bob) Cartoon Collection

The Bastian Collection consists of clippings and other biographical material, as well as original drawings and published copies of Bastian's two books: and ....

Beckler (Stanworth) Collection

This collection consists of original scores and arrangements by Stanworth Beckler.

Bee Zee Club Scrapbooks

The collection consist of three scrapbooks with newspaper clippings and programs about the Bee Zee Club members and their activities.

Bendel Family Papers

Series 1 of the Bendel Family Papers contains diaries, correspondence and biographical material pertaining to various members of three generations of the Bendel and Handley families (1861-1963). Through Rudolph Bendel, Sr.'s journals, these Papers are also a source for study...

Beulah Heights Improvement Club Records

The Beulah Heights Improvement Club records date primarily from 1914 and 1915 with scattered documents dating from 1913 through 1923. Many items were authored by the secretary-treasurer of the group, Christian T Gutleben, an Oakland contractor. Other recurrent names found...

Biblioteca Nacional de Mexico (Photocopies of Selected Spanish California Archives)

Collection consists of bound photocopies of letters, reports and other documents on microfilm from originals in Mexican National Archives. Correspondents include Serra, Portola, Anza, Palou, Vizcaino, Escalante and other Spanish religious, military and political leaders.

Black Family Texas Civil War Correspondence

This collection consists of photocopies of manuscript and typescripts in a loose-leaf binder. Entries below composed exclusively of a location and date are letters from James Black to his wife, Patience. Entries that begin with a "P" are letters from...

Bland (Henry M.) Collection

This Bland collection contains copies of the poet's works with annotations in his own hand, Bland obituaries and a study of the poet's work (1951)....

Blomquist Collection of Locomotive Fuel Consumption Studies

The Warren Blomquist Collection deals with locomotive conversion from coal to oil and diesel fuels. The collection consists principally of photocopies of articles and reports. Part of the material was obtained from unpublished records of the Southern Pacific Railroad in...

Bolt Family Papers

The Bolt Family Papers are arranged in seven series. Series I consists of biographical materials, including sixteen boxes of family diaries (1893-1973); Series II contains family and business correspondence (1887-1957); Series III consists of eleven Bolt family scrapbooks(1913-1952); Series IV...

Brame (Herbert) Papers

The Brame Papers consist principally of correspondence files with readers or contributors to the Pony Express Courier (1934-1936) touching on lives or events important in 19th c. California and the West....

Breeden (Robert L.) Postcard and Photograph Collection

Breeden assembled three picture postcard/photograph albums. While these depict many parts of the United States, views of California and Alaska are probably the most numerous....

Breitenfeld (Emil) Papers

Papers consist of arrangements of popular songs for the O'Neill Sisters School of Dance (Helen & Peggy O'Neill) from the 1950's in San Francisco. Performances were most likely held at the Golden Gate Theater, State Fairs, San Francisco nightclubs, and...

Briscoe (Jerry) Collection of Stockton, California Oral Histories

This collection consists of audio tapes and typed transcripts of oral history interviews conducted by Dr. Jerry Briscoe between 1994-1996. Interviewees are predominately residents of Stockton or San Joaquin County who were active in political or civic activities.

Briscoe (Jerry) Papers on California Recall Elections

Collection consists of materials collected and written by Briscoe on the general topic of California recall elections in the 20th century.

Brown (Mary L.) Collection of Muiriana

Series 1 consists of Brown's correspondence, notes and original writings. They were arranged and packaged in binders by Ms. Brown. Many of the notes are Ms. Brown's interpretation of John Muir's religious beliefs. The correspondence--virtually all of which dates from...

Browne (J. Ross ) Collection

The collection consists of J. Ross Browne's correspondence, biographical material, and published reports on mining, irrigation, Native American affairs, railroads and California history.

Brubeck (Iola) Letters

The collection consists of dozens of letters and postcards from Iola Brubeck to Sauerwein between 1947 and 2000.

Brubeck (Iola) Susan Matheson Collection

This collection consists mainly of recorded interviews and transcripts conducted from 1995 to 1999 with various musicians and individuals involved with the Brubecks.

Bruner (Clara R.) Collection

The Bruner Collection consists chiefly of materials relating to the period of Mrs. Bruner's education (1914-1925). It includes: publications of the San Francisco National Training School; a scrapbook (1913-1920; biographical materials on Rev. Bruner (1918); Mrs. Bruner's correspondence (1914-1956); and,...

Bryant (Marie A.) Guatemalan Literature Collection

The Bryant Collection consists chiefly of the notes, slides and interview transcriptions Mrs. Bryant compiled during a 1967 visit to J.M. Lopez Valdizon in Guatemala....

Burns (Robert E.) California State Parks Commission Papers

The Robert Burns State Parks Commission Papers consists of: correspondence and memos from the Director of the Division of Beaches & Parks, the public and various legislators; the agendas and minutes of Park Commission meetings (1953-1958); reports or proposals regarding...

Burrell Family Papers

The Burrell family collection includes family correspondence, diaries, family genealogy notes, reminiscences, farm accounts and Reginald R. Stuart's research notes. The Burrell family letters are a straightforward account of the rigors of the overland and sea journeys to California and...

Cabrillo Civic Clubs of California Scrapbooks

Most of these scrapbooks are loosely arranged (within the individual volume) according to the following plan: 1) State organizational materials; 2) Local Chapter materials ordered by Chapter number. Materials include newspaper CLIPPINGS, Chapter and State NEWSLETTERS, event PROGRAMS, ROSTERS, CONVENTION...

Californa Nevada 19th cent. Account Books

This collection consists of four account books. The first two of these were created during the early 1890s by a Washoe Valley, Nevada general merchandise store--possibly that operated during the 1880s by C.A. Lee of Franktown. The third account book...

California Toll Bridge Authority Bond Purchase Receipt Book

The toll bridge bond receipts date from January 24, 1940 through May 1941. The majority of the bonds were sold in February 1940. Some of the receipts are numbered and some are not. The lowest number to be seen is...

California Weather Bureau Journals

The collection consists of thirteen ledgers of weather observations from various California weather stations, including: Independence (1894-1925); Mt. Tamalpais (1898-1921); the Farallon Islands (1906-1913); San Francisco (1906-1917); and, Point Reyes (1893-1927)....

California Wildflower Specimen Collection

This collection of California Wildflower specimens consists of 83 samples listing descriptive information including locality, habitat, altitude, relative abundance, and date collected.

Camp Fire Girls (Stockton, Calif.) Summer Camp Scrapbooks

The Stockton Campfire Girls Summer Camp Scrapbooks (1919-1922) are four in number, each is about 60 pp. and contains a typescript events journal of one summer's activities, as well as photographs, songs and play scripts of theatricals given by Camp...

Cannon-Walker Family Collection

Marion Cannon is largely represented in this collection by correspondence, speeches, newspaper clippings, political pamphlets and biographical materials relevant to his most important years of public life (1890-1895). Also of interest is his diary of a train trip from Emigrant...

Case (Leland D.) Small Business Collection

The collection contains documents describing the laws of various states regarding credit life insurance and decisions in court cases regarding this practice. There are also articles from law reviews and newspapers regarding the small loan business as well as correspondence,...

Catalogue of British Heraldry

Catalogue of British Heraldry consists of sixty-one numbered pages of pen and ink drawings of coats of arms followed by a surname index, probably executed in the late 18th or early 19th century....

Central Valley Camp Fire Council Collection

The collection contains photographs, scrapbooks, flyers, newspaper clippings, various ephemera, as well as textiles and other memorabilia from the Camp Fire and Blue Birds groups in the Central Valley.

Chapman (Ron) Papers and Photograph Collection

The collection consists of materials collected and created by Ron Chapman, including photographs, slides, negatives, early and modern business cards, maps, business invoices and correspondence, and many different examples of Stockton-related ephemera.

Chase (George) Alameda County (California) Papers

The collection consists of typescript copies of originals. It contains the 1883-84 diary of Mellie Chase, twelve year old daughter of George Chase; the 1867 and 1868 diaries of George Chase, and, correspondence from his mother's family, the Stickneys, of...

Cherry City Garage (Salem, Oregon) Account Books

This collection contains account books of Kleinke's Cherry City Garage and Lenox Hotel, together with papers describing the costs of Kleinke's new garage together with blueprints for the structure itself....

Civil War Round Table (Stockton, Calif.) Papers

The Civil War Round Table Papers consists chiefly of memos and programs of local meetings (1962-1976). Also included are member essays on various aspects of the Civil War and some materials from the Civil War Centennial Commission of California....

Clark & Henery Construction Company Collection

The Clark & Henery Account Books (1895-1911) and Scrapbooks (1911-1916) illustrate the history of street paving in Northern California and Oregon during the years immediately preceding World War I. They record city decisions and politics regarding paving, financing of paving,...

Clark (Charles B., Jr.) Papers

The collection includes: original poems and clippings of Clark poems, most published in Sun and Saddle Leather by Chapman and Grimes of Boston (copyright 1914); copies of manuscript poems; and, correspondence (1957-1967): with Clark's nephew, Dr. Edwin E. Clark, Professor...

Clark (Gordon) Collection

The collection consists of a few documents and concert posters that shed some light on Clark, his music, and his activities as a student at Callison College at the University of the Pacific. The collection also includes a selective representation...

Coats (James L.) Collection

The Coats Collection consists of correspondence and other business papers relating to the alcoholic beverages gauging business, politics and economics, as well as photographs, memorabilia, and California school texts (1852-1907)....

Coffin-Hyde Family Papers

The Coffin-Hyde Papers contain: correspondence and sailing instructions of ship's Captain Abel Coffin (1817-1841); and, correspondence and other documents of the Hyde Family (1791-1877). The original materials are held by the Spooner family; this collection is presently available only on...

Community Forum of San Joaquin Papers

These papers consist of reports on community issues authored by Community Forum Task Forces or gathered by them for study. Report topics include: education, crime, city image, water issues, traffic patterns, refugee programs, and literacy. Also included are seminar reports,...

Conant Collection of Central Valley Papers

These documents all pertain to public lands in the central San Joaquin Valley. Virtually all of them represent holdings in eastern Stanislaus and Merced counties. Most date from the 1860s---the period of wheat cultivation and railroad expansion in that region....

Conference of California Historical Societies Archives

The Conference of California Historical Societies contains records and correspondence related to its founding, early years, membership, the publication of the , and the organization of annual conferences. ...

Cook (Guy and Marguerite) Nisei Collection

This collection contains materials collected by the Cooks during their employment at Tule Lake. Much of the collection focuses on education, although there are also materials of a more general and of a more specifically personal nature. Of particular interest...

Cooper Medical College Collection

The period 1872-1882 is represented in this collection by annual catalogs,valedictory addresses and scattered issues of the Pacific Medical Journal. The decades 1882-1902 are represented by annual catalogs, valedictory addresses, scattered issues of the Pacific Medical Journal and a copy...

Corbett, Failing & Co. (Portland, Ore.) Records

Henry W. Corbett's records (1851-1870) consist of one daybook, a ledger, a letter book, correspondence and many receipts. Corbett, Failing Co. records include correspondence (1871-1898), 11 steamship invoice books and scattered records of the Oregon Iron Co., the Oregon &...

Costabel (Violette) Theatre Programs Collection

The content of the scrapbooks reflects Miss Costabel's life circumstances. The bulk of the earliest programs and clippings pertain to events in San Jose where the College of the Pacific was located when Miss Costabel was a student there. The...

Cottle Family Papers

The Cottle Family Collection consists of correspondence, writings, printed materials, photographs, legal and financial documents, and postal memorabilia (stamps and cancelled envelopes). The majority of correspondence tells news of family and friends. Financial documents include a detailed account of John...

Crittenden (Bradford S.) Papers

The bulk of the materials in the B.S. Crittenden Collection are publications relating to the creation and development of the Central Valley Project (1923-1949). The collection also contains personal papers, including correspondence, photographs and business papers relating to Crittenden's San...

Crow (Leslie) Papers

Collection consists of materials collected and written by Leslie Crow primarily concerning local history and historic preservation in California.

Culver (William B.) Memorial Scrapbook of the Shipwreck of the Ville du Havre

The scrapbook, inscribed "Wm. B Culver" on the cover, is probably a memorial to Culver, created by a family member. Newspaper clippings in the scrapbook report varying accounts of the event, provide the names of survivors and those who died,...

Daughters of American Colonists (Stockton, Calif. Chapter) Papers

The Daughters of American Colonists Papers consist of Minute Books, Treasurer's Reports and Scrapbooks of the Stockton (Calif.) Chapter (1957-1996) as well as Yearbooks and periodical publications of the national organization (1963-1997)....

Davis & Brothers Ledger

This ledger gives evidence of both farming and commercial usage. It contains some reference to crops planted and produce sold, but it also consists of daybook records of sales to local farmers of such commodities as sugar, whiskey, tobacco, saleratus,...

Demarest Family Collection

The Demarest family collection consists chiefly of an unpublished typescript, "California Gold," by David Durie Demarest's oldest son, David Clarence Demarest(1866-1962). It embraces 51 chapters divided into three volumes. The work's preface is followed by a typescript copy of David...

Derby (Howard) Collection

The Derby Collection consists principally of notes and transcriptions of materials on early Pacific Coast Methodism (1845-1875) compiled by Derby for historian Leon Loofbourow from nineteenth century Methodist publications. Other materials include clippings files on California government, politics and geography...

Desmond (Paul) Papers

The collection consists of the papers of jazz saxophonist Paul Desmond. Includes 36 pages of diaries (memos to myself) from 1947-1955, over 300 letters to and from Desmond throughout his childhood and adult life, nearly 400 photographs, and a variety...

Dickenson California Water Issues Collection

Topics represented in this collection include: Water Quality, Flood Control, Water Distribution, Water Conservation, Water Usage, and Drought. The Dickenson Collection also contains materials pertaining to the creation and operation of the Central Valley Project, the California State Water Project,...

Dietrich & Leistner Realtors Records

Many of the materials in this collection are personal papers of F. Joseph Dietrich, or his son, F. J. Jr.. They represent both their involvement with the Stockton Terminal and Eastern Railroad and their real estate activities during the period...

Dodge-Drullard Family Collection

The Dodge-Drullard Family Papers consist of: the Illinois to Salt Lake City portion of Elvira Dodge's overland journal (1860); a biographical sketch of Mrs. Drullard by her granddaughter, Marie Doscher (1974); transcriptions of other family diaries (1856; 1911-12; 1929); a...

Dorsey (Daniel A.) Civil War Scrapbook & Memorabilia

The collection consists of Daniel A. Dorsey's scrapbook, photographs and his personal annotated copy of William Pittenger's published account of the Great Chattanooga Locomotive Chase (1862)....

Drury Papers on 19th c. California Parochial Colleges & Academies

The collection includes notes on early California academic institutions and clippings, pamphlets, papers on Mills College, Mount Tamalpais Military Academy, and the College of California. These were used to prepare an article "Church Sponsored Schools in Early California" in the...

Dyer (Ephraim) Photograph Album

Photographs of agricultural lands on Palm Tract in Contra Costa County, Wheatland in Yuba County, and other locations in California. Photos illustrate land reclamation and agricultural practices in the Delta region.

E Clampus Vitus Archives

The E Clampus Vitus Archives contains by-laws, minutes, correspondence, fiscal records, photographs, member writings and biographical materials, clippings and other materials chronicling activities of the Grand Council and local chapters of the order (notably its landmarks recognition program and its...

Eagal (John H., Sr.) Collection

The Eagal Collection includes: 19th century Eagal family correspondence; family scrapbooks and photograph albums containing many images of early automobiles; business papers; published and typescript biographical material on John H. Eagal, Sr.; and, much printed matter pertaining to Ford Motor...

El Dorado Co. (Calif.) Gold Rush Papers

The collection contains two Placerville items. Both are letters relating to Post Office business (1852; 1858). The collection contains a Diamond Springs letter from Joseph S. Bradley acknowledging receipt of a water company transcript from the Secretary of State (1853)....

Ellsworth (Kathryn) Papers

The papers contain Kathryn Ellsworth military papers, correspondence and World War II scrapbook.

Fahey-Sloan Family Collection

The Fahey-Sloan Collection includes family history materials and photographs. Several photo albums created by Elizabeth Haskell Sloan document the activities of the Yosemite Logging Company (1914-1917). Other albums created by Robert Fahey depict the activities of the Oakdale "Bronco Boys"...

Fairbrook (Lotte C.) Memoirs

The Lotte Fairbrook Memoirs describe Mrs. Fairbrook's life from its beginnings in Hamburg, Germany (1898) through her emigration to Palestine (1933) and then to the United States(1938)....

Fairbrook (Paul) Stockton Port Commissioner Records

The Fairbrook Collection consists of: Commission minutes; policy statements; financial records; personnel records; correspondence; and, clippings pertaining to the Port of Stockton and its commissioners (1973-1977)....

Farmer Merchants Bank (Stockton, Calif.) Scrapbook

The Farmers & Merchants Bank Scrapbook chronicles the period of creation of the Bank's new headquarters building (1915-20). Approximately half of the scrapbook is devoted to photographs of the Bank staff and to various stages of the building process. The...

Felton (Frederick) Nuremberg Trials Collection

The Felton Nuremberg Collection contains copies of court transcripts, November 20, 1945 through August 31, 1946; an index; document books and individual responsibility reports....

First Congregational Church of Stockton Records

Collection of records for the First Congregational Church of Stockton, California, from various church groups/organizations of prominent women of Stockton.

Fitch McCarthy (Beverly A.) Papers

The collection is made up of the life papers of Beverly Ann Fitch McCarthy, including scrapbooks (career and personal), family history, speeches, and personal and business correspondence.

Flower (Elsie) Collection

The Flower Collection consists of: correspondence (1900-1968); KGDM "City Journal" radio scripts (1945-1955); notes, drafts, photos, pamphlets and clippings pertaining chiefly to San Joaquin County, the southern Mother Lode and the West....

Foster/Layton Families Collection

This collection includes: a school record (no location) written by Charles Foster (1836), listing the number of days students have attended class; an letter, from Foster brothers, J.M. and E.T., in the 54th Regiment at Burnside Barracks, Indianapolis, to their...

Foulk Family Papers

The Foulk Family Papers consist chiefly of correspondence to Mrs. Foulk from family and friends, letters from Mrs. Foulk to her mother, Mrs. R.H. McDaniel, and son, Henry D. Foulk (1906). There is also correspondence to Mr. Foulk from his...

Fountain Humboldt County History Collection

This is a narrative history of Humboldt County (1850-1903), published serially in the Blue Lake Advocate, (1964), and collected in an unbound scrapbook by the author, Susie Baker Fountain. The collection also includes letters written (1903-04) by Eleanor E. Tracy,...

Frame (Walter C.) California Essays

This collection of approximately 65 typescript reminiscences and essays written by Walter Frame (ca. 1976-1979) are told from a very personal view point. Mr. Frame wanted to document a lifestyle that was quickly disappearing. Subjects include: family reminiscences; railroads; ferries;...

French (Henry M.) Papers

This collection consists of the diaries (1873-1915), family papers and an account book (1904-1916) of Henry M. French, prominent San Jose (Calif.) merchant, attorney and politician. The collection also includes a diary of French's son Henry Nelson French (1912)....

Garthwaite (Marion H.) Papers

The Garthwaite collection includes draft versions of a number of her books including: Bright Particular Star(1958; Coarse Gold Gulch(1956); Holdup on Blackjack Hill; Locked Crowns (1963); Mario (1960); Shaken Days (1952); Tomas and the Redheaded Angel (1950); Twelfth Night Santons;...

General Photograph Collections

The photographs contained in the library make up one of the richest and most comprehensive collections of images which document the history of the great Central Valley of California and the development of agricultural technology. The photograph collections (of over...

Gibbons (Stuart) Collection

The Stuart Gibbons Collection consists of Gibbons' Sonora (Calif.) childhood papers and photographs , as well as later papers delineating Gibbons' involvement with business, politics and historic preservation in Stockton (Calif.)....

Gilchrist (S.A.) Collection

Consists of photographs and glass plate negatives of mining, redwoods, Hetchy Hetchy Valley, Sonora (Calif.) and Sierra Nevada Mountain scenery (1894-1908)

Gillis Family Papers

The Gillis Family Papers consists of documents relating to the lives of various members of the family in Ohio. The collection also includes David T. Gillis' diary of his voyage to California (1852) and his patent for a grain header...

Giorgi (Helen) Portrait Collection of Stockton Pioneers

Collection consists of cartes de visite and cabinet card portraits of early Stockton California residents with biographical notes by Helen Giorgi. Includes a family tree of Helen Giorgi.

Goleman (Fay) Papers

Goleman's Papers consist chiefly of correspondence, reports, minutes, proposals and printed materials pertaining to the activities of the various advisory committees of which she was a member, including: the Governor's Advisory Committee on Children and Youth (1951-1954); the Governor's Advisory...

Gonzales (Nathan) Stockton Electric Railroad Collection

The Gonzales Stockton Electric Railroad Collection consists of photocopies of primary and secondary source materials relating to history of Stockton Electric Railroad (1904-1942) and a paper examining factors leading to demise of that Company by Nathan Gonzales(1997)....

Goodman (Minerva) Papers

The Minerva Goodman Collection consists principally of correspondence, minutes and flyers relating to various California and Stockton woman suffrage organizations (1904-1911)....

Goodyear (Charles H.) World War II Scrapbooks

Although Goodyear's eleven scrapbooks bear inclusive dates, few of the individual clippings are dated. Evident are clippings from the Stockton Daily Evening Record, Stockton Record, San Francisco Call Bulletin, and the San Francisco Examiner. Clippings report on military actions in...

Grade (Louis A.) Papers

The Grade Papers consist of a 1934 Metropolitan Life Insurance policy, a photostat of a 1914 insurance policy on a San Francisco grocery at the corner of 19th and Copp streets and a financial ledger. The 398 page Grade ledger...

Granger Family Butte County Papers

The bulk of these papers consists of business and family correspondence written to L.C. Granger while he was in the State Assembly. D.B. Hays informs him about activities on Hays' ranch. Adolf Ekman, who seems to have acted as Granger's...

Hall (John B.) San Joaquin County Legal Papers

N.B.--Hall had Transcripts and Briefs bound separately before 1878. After that date Transcripts and Briefs for a particular case are bound together. It is not clear why the individual Briefs were bound together as they were. Their order is vaguely...

Hall (Luella J.) Collection

The Luella J. Hall collection contains materials for her teaching of Geography and History (primarily of Latin American, International, and Amerindian Studies) at Hartnell Junior College, including syllabi and extensive newspaper clippings....

Hammond (Wes) Photo Collection

Most of the over 600 photographs were taken by Wes Hammond and used in the publication The Carrier, the company magazine of the FMC corporation. The rest were taken by Verna Mae Leggate who was the editor of the magazine...

Hands Loan Company (Stockton, Calif.) Records

The 75 items in this collection consist of insurance policies, correspondence, receipts and other business and legal papers relating to the Hands Loan Co. pawnshop in Stockton, Calif. (1922-1938)....

Harmony Grove Church (Lockeford, Calif.) Restoration Papers

The Harmony Grove Church Restoration Papers consist of correspondence, reports, clippings, architect's drawings and unpublished histories pertaining to the restoration of the Harmony Grove Church, Lockeford, Calif. (1967-1996)....

Harris Manufacturing Company

The collection is comprised of business papers (with equipment specifications and blueprints), newspaper and journal articles, and photographs.

Haskin-Tonopah Gold Mine Collection

The Haskin/Tonopah Gold Mine Papers consist chiefly of correspondence and clippings pertaining to stock acquisition and ownership change at a particular gold mine near Tonopah, Nevada. The Papers also contain a small file of materials relating to the malpractice investigation...

Hatcher Family Correspondence

The four letters that make up the Hatcher Correspondence were all sent to Wiley W. Hatcher from his brother, sister, cousin and aunt of Dyer, Weakley and Greene counties in Tennessee (1855). The letters include family news and information about...

Hawgood (John) "America Western Frontiers" Drafts

Collection consists of drafts, illustrations and proof sheets from Hawgood's book "America's Western Frontiers."

Hayes (Gordon H.) Collection of Materials on the U.S. Army 209th Signal Pigeon Company

The collection documents the use of racing homer pigeons during World War II to carry messages. The collection consists primarily of publications, photographs, and documents related to WWII and the use of racing pigeons. Also included are messages carried by...

Helberg (Alice) Collection of Vermont Business Records and Civil War Correspondence

The Helberg Collection consists of three Vermont farm ledgers (1806-1842); Underwood family Vermont land records (1792-1836); Bliss and Woodward-Underwood family genealogies; T.J. Edson Iowa and Wisconsin land records (1856-1867); and, T.J. Edson's Civil War correspondence, other Civil War papers and...

Henderson (Jeannette ) 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Collection

This collection documents a pictorial history of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. Included in this collection are newspaper clippings of the earthquake, personal accounts of the earthquake, correspondence, photographs, postcards, periodicals, maps, and ephemera.

Hill (Andrew P., Jr.) Papers

The Andrew P. Hill, Jr. Papers consist of biographical materials, memoirs, correspondence, speeches, course outlines and teaching notes, building designs, California Dept. of Education, Div. of Schoolhouse Planning surveys of district buildings (1927-1930) and draft chapters of at least one...

Hislop (Steven K.) Southeast Asian Refugee Adjustment Collection

The Hislop Collection contains newsletters, syllabi, tests, bibliographies, reports and other materials relevant to teaching Asian immigrants to read and write English. It also contains brochures pertaining to Christian evangelism among Asians....

Hodghead (Beverly L.) Speeches & Other Papers

The Beverly Hodghead papers consist primarily of about forty speeches. The majority of these are devoted to explaining the Berkeley city charter. Other speeches consider the roles of citizens in support of municipal government, the annexation of Berkeley by Oakland...

Holden (Francis P.) Papers

The Francis Holden Papers consist of correspondence, business papers, miscellaneous personal papers, photographs, advertisements & other printed matter, books, and some diaries/account books. Personal correspondence is to Francis P. Holden, primarily written in Lockeford, California, 1857-1893, with some undated. Business...

Holmes (Harold C.) Papers

The bulk of the Holmes Papers consists of the manuscript chapters of Harold Holmes' memoirs....

Holt-Atherton Special Collections Vertical (Subject) Files Collection

The Vertical (Subject) Files Collection were collected over several decades by successive library staff. The collection includes such materials as correspondence, newsletters, pamphlets, brochures, events flyers, promotional material, news clippings, photos, ephemera or research papers including interviews.

Hubbard (Harry D.) Papers

The Hubbard Papers consist of notes and drafts for most of Hubbard's published and unpublished writings. His local history research is informed by a knowledge of economic factors that was unusual for the day. His papers possess additional importance in...

Hubbard (H.F.) Family Scrapbook

The Hubbard Family Scrapbook consists of photographs of the family, their homes in Stockton, California and Rochester, New York, and postcards to Mary Hubbard Cronise. Also included is biographical/genealogical information on the family.

Hunt (Rockwell D.) Papers

The Hunt papers consist principally of Rockwell Hunt's notes, drafts and clippings files pertaining to California history. They are arranged in four series as follows:...

Hunt (Rockwell D.) Prohibition Collection

The collection includes: correspondence; articles about college students and alcohol written by Dr. Hunt; a course description; notes; pamphlets, including many from the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment; newspaper clippings; and ephemeral materials. There are also a few items on...

Hurlbut (John E.) Salt Lake City Album: "A Year in Shadow Land"

The poems are hand-lettered in black ink on gold or silver foil panels. These are pasted on the album pages above and below the photographs. Poem titles, supplied by their author, are given below in quotation marks. C.R. Savage has...

Indigenous Objects Collection

This collection includes items that were originally part of the Garfield Merner collection of Native American artifacts, including vessels made of Jicara gourds, woven bags, a model canoe, textiles, a woven hat, and other items.

International Society of Christian Endeavor Convention Scrapbook

The collection consists of a scrapbook prepared in commemoration of the International Society of Christian Endeavor's 50th anniversary (1881-1931) documenting the convention held in San Francisco, July 11-16, 1931. Included in the scrapbook are memos, posters, publications, programs, meeting agendas,...

Irvine (Leigh H.) - "The History of New California" Typescript

This collection consists of an incomplete, typescript of 156 pages of "The History of New California" edited by Leigh H. Irvine and published in 2 volumes by Lewis Publishing Co. (1905). The manuscript is a partial draft of the first...

Jackson County (Ore.) Records

This collection of Jackson County records consists of about 1600 items formerly held by the County Clerk's Office. They include licences, bills, receipts and certificates pertaining to ferries, peddling, road building, elections and liquor sales (1853-1891)....

Jacoby (Harold) Migrant Labor Collection

The bulk of the collection consists of records of hearings conducted by the U.S. House of Representatives on the subject of migrant labor. The collectiona also includes publications from the WPA Division of Social Research and Farm Security Administration, with...

Jacoby (Harold S.) Nisei Collection

The collection includes WRA reports and other printed materials, periodical articles both by Japanese Americans and by others, field notes, internment camp newspapers and highschool yearbooks, clippings, and ephemera relating to the Japanese-American relocation. It contains materials pertaining to nearly...

Jacoby (Harold Stanley) Collection

The papers in this collection derive from Jacoby's activities both as a teacher and as a citizen acting in the cause of reform.

James (Daniel) Papers

The Daniel James Collection contains James' correspondence, notes and drafts (1953-1969), including most of his "Dateline Latin America" columns and an unpublished work titled "Communism in Mexico." The collection also contains information files on Latin America and individual Latin American...

Japanese Alien Land Law Investigation Records

The collection consists of materials related to 19 investigations into Japanese-owned properties focused in San Joaquin County and escheat cases that resulted from them.

Japanese-American Internment Oral Histories

This collection contains audio interviews, transcriptions, photographs, genealogical information, letters and related newspaper clippings of Japanese-American who were kept in Relocation Centers during World War II.

Johnson (J. Leroy, U.S. Rep.) Collection

The collection consists primarily of materials pertaining to World War I and World War II. World War I is delineated in letters from the young Johnson to his girl, Elizabeth Alpers (1918). Photographs form the bulk of the collection. These...

Johnston (Verna) Collection

Verna Johnston's papers contain her notes, writings, clippings, correspondence and photographs pertaining to California and Alaskan ecology. She has arranged most of the papers in alphabetical subject files. Johnston's photographs are also organized in an alphabetical filing system that lists...

Jones (Holway R.) Sierra Club Papers

The Holway Jones Papers consist largely of Sierra Club Board of Directors' Minutes (1907-1982) and related materials....

Kaufman (Mary) Collection

The Kaufman Collection consists of: Daryl Morrison's taped interviews with Mary Kaufman (1990-1991) in which the latter discusses her childhood home at Valley Home, her roles as rancher's wife, mother and cannery employee; a "Valley Home Cookbook" with historical notes...

Kemp (Kathryn) Girl Scouts Collection - Stockton (Calif.)

The Kemp Stockton Girl Scouts Collection consists of the Stockton Troop 8 Scrapbook (1937-1956) created by Ms. Kemp and a miscellany of local and national Girl Scout printed matter (1920-1950)....

Kennedy (F.C., Mrs.) Account Book

In its Truckee boarding house section [pp. 1-106] the Kennedy Account Book records date, name of roomer [there were 32 altogether], length of rental period and fee (1878-1881). In the Stockton ranch section [pp. 114-116] the account book records date,...

Knoles Family Collection

Collection consists of a variety of documents from the Knoles family, including letters, clippings, and photographs. Tully Knoles is the primary focus of the material, but many other family members are also represented.

Lampson (Robin) Collection

This collection consists of: drafts of works; literary reviews, by and about Robin Lampson; clippings describing Lampson's activities; bulletins & hand-outs describing his teaching activities; professional and personal correspondence; research materials on Sharon-Hill, Frederick Law Olmsted and the landscaping of...

Landau (Rom) Middle East Collection

The Landau Collection consists chiefly of Rom Landau's personal library and other materials--notably clippings, periodicals and government documents--that he used in teaching coursework in Is-lamic Studies at the University of the Pacific. As might be ex-pected, the primary focus of...

Larsen (Marjorie) Collection

This collection consists largely of Speed-A-Way clippings, correspondence, film, photographs and biographical material from Larsen's experience as a Physical Education teacher and Dean of Girls at Edison High School (1961-1969).

Lawson (F. Melvyn) Papers

The Lawson Papers consist of biographical material; professional writings and correspondence; original poetry and music; photographs and memorabilia relating to the life and career of Sacramento educator, F. Melvin Lawson (1907-1998)....

Leigh (Janet) Collection

The majority of the collection is material that decorated Leigh's home. Including: photographs, movie posters, correspondence, advertisements and magazine covers, and recognitions and awards.

Lindley Family Papers

This collection consists chiefly of the papers of D.A. Lindley and his wife, Mary B. Lindley. They include family correspondence, business documents (including deeds, bills of sale, advertising, minutes, articles of incorporation and stock certificates) and a few photographs. Most...

Lindsay-O'Neal (Allan) and the People's Alliance for Peace Collection

This collection contains Lindsay-O'Neal's diaries from 1970 detailing the creation and activities of the People's Alliance for Peace at the University of the Pacific; transcriptions of the diaries; policy statements, telegrams; position statements on the Vietnam War; protest goals; meeting...

Lobner Family Collection

This collection contains correspondence, taped reminiscences, notes, photographs and genealogies pertaining to the Lobner family....

Locke (Marvin E.) Collection of Dutch Flat, California Business and Legal Records

Collection consists primarily of records of Notary Public G.H. Colby, attorney W.P. Sowden, and the Towle Lumber Company, all of Dutch Falt, California.

Lockeford (Calif.) Charitable & Temperance Papers

This collection consists of two boxes. Box one contains minute books & account books for the Sons of Temperance Live Oak Division Number 29, dated 1860-1865. Box two contains correspondence and printed matter, including ritual books, circulars and “admission cards,”...

Locke-Hammond Family Papers

The Locke-Hammond Family Papers contain: general and business correspondence of Dean Jewett Locke (1849-1887); his journals (1849-1883); the journals of his wife, Delia (1855-1922); records of the Locke Ranch (1855-1899); records of the Locke & Co. store (1861-1890); and various...

Lockley (Frederick E.) Papers

Lockley's papers include letters regarding articles in the Oregon Journal, book trade correspondence and other personal and business papers. Correspondents include Theodore Roosevelt, Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey, David Starr Jordan, Ezra Meeker, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, William M. Ladd, and Reginald R....

Lodi (Calif.) Police Registers

This collection consists of the Lodi (Calif.) Jail Registers [6 vols.] dating from October 1913 through June 1955; the City Recorder's Record Book dating February 1913 through 1922; and, the Lodi Traffic Arrest Register dating July 1946 through October 1952....

Logan (John B.) Papers

The Logan Collection consists of Logan's Army discharge papers (1919; 1931); his parole papers for a second degree murder conviction; correspondence with the Veterans Bureau concerning his pension and possible parole from prison; and, miscellaneous personal papers....

Lucas (Grace A.M.) Papers

The Grace Alta Merritt Lucas Collection consists chiefly of personal correspondence and family photographs. The collection also contains legal documents and correspondence with attorneys in Helena, Montana regarding the Lucas's property there....

Luttrell (Hiram A.), Attorney Account Books

Three account books (1885-1907) and a calendar of court appointments (1908) make up the Luttrell collection....

Lyman (Jonathan F.) Diaries

The three Lyman Diaries chronicle Jonathan F. Lyman's experiences as a youth in San Jose, Calif.; as a student at the University of the Pacific (1890-1892); and, as a young husband working as a carpenter in Stockton, Calif. (1895-1897)....

Machado (Jess) Collection

Machado's papers reflect his interests in natural history, horsebreeding, and the Mormon/Carson Emigrant Trail. They consist of approximately nine linear feet of notes, maps, slides, photocopies of primary sources, pamphlets, flyers, and other materials....

Macomber (J. H.) Family Scrapbook and Photo Albums

The Macomber Collection consists of one scrapbook of clippings, programs,handbills and obituaries from the Montana-Idaho area(1885-1890) and two photograph albums, one depicting Spanish American War scenes in San Francisco (1898) and the other depicting San Francisco area sites and unidentified...

Madera Co. (Calif.) Sheriff's Wanted Notices Scrapbook

The Madera County, California Sheriff's office used this wanted and reward circular scrapbook from 1895-1911. The scrapbook of 246 pages is comprised of reward and wanted notices from counties all over California and from other states as far away as...

Maltin-Goodman Family Papers

This collection includes correspondence from Goodman-Maltin family and friends from (1902-1962); letters from Bess Maltin back to Stockton while she and her husband are on a jewelry buying trip to the East Coast (October 1941); and, the World War II...

Maps (General) Collection

The Holt-Atherton Special Collections and Archives curates hundreds of maps that focus on the West, California, the Central Valley, San Joaquin Valley, and Stockton. A searchable inventory of the maps is available below under "Additional Collection Guides." Special thanks to...

Martin (V. Covert) Family Papers

Asa Van Covert “Cove” Martin was a Stockton photographer/historian. His photographic career began in 1899 when he served as an apprentice for a year in Nevada City, California. He soon returned to Stockton, and worked with photographer Charles W. Logan....

Matuszak (Alice Jean) Pharmacy Collection

The collection is made up of material collected by Dr. Matuszak consisting of primary source material from various California pharmacies and research material about the history of pharmacy.

McClung (Nellie M.) Letter

McClung's seven page letter is to Mrs. E.K. Brown of Winnipeg (1915) expressing sympathy for her loss of a child. The file includes a published biographical sketch of Nellie McClung....

McComb (John D.) Scrapbook

The John McComb Scrapbook contains 145 pages of clippings on McComb's career, Folsom and San Quentin prisons and general criminology in California (1881-1891). There is a subject index. Topics include: "prison reform," "prison investigations," "prison finance," "prison farms," graft, laws,...

McGee Family Papers

The McGee Collection contains: family scrapbooks (1915-1952); family expense ledgers (1946-1971); and, numerous diaries, including: Clair Horton McGee's 1920 diary of a trip east to visit family; and, the 21 retirement years diaries of Russell C. McGee(1954-1972). During those years...

Meret (Charles O.) "Marin County Through Four Centuries"

This chronological history of Marin County is in seven volumes of approximately 125 pages each. It is a compendium of memorable Marin County dates, tracing the development of the county from earliest records to 1936....

Miller (William) Collection of Klondike Gold Rush and Family Photographs

Collection consists of over 1,000 photographs. Most were taken in the area of Dawson, Yukon Territory from 1897-1902.

Miller (William P.) Photo Album

Album contains over 700 photos of individuals and families in Stockton, California collected by William P. Miller. The photographer was I.S. Locke.

Minnie's Hotel (Stockton, Calif.) Records

This collection consists of scattered business papers of the proprietress and nine years' worth of the Minnie Hotel register....

Mitsuda (Marie) Papers

This collection consists mainly of materials generated during Mitsuda's time at the Rohwer Relocation Center.

Monagan (Robert T. Jr.) Papers

Collection consists primarily of newsletters sent to constituents while Monagan was a California Assembleyman.

Moore (Wirt E.) Papers

The Wirt Moore papers consist chiefly of letters of recommendation and other correspondence pertaining to Moore's teaching career. They also include autobiographical and creative writing....

Moran (Thomas M.) Collection

Moran's papers contain family and business correspondence, including a large collection of picture postcards, photographs, and a small amount of memorabilia....

Morris (Bert J.) Collection

The items in Series 1 relate to Morris' life until his retirement in the late 1940s. The series contains correspondence and ephemera relating to his personal life (1907-1947); correspondence, ephemera and publications relating to the College of the Pacific (1909-1918)...

Moscone (George) Collection

The Moscone Collection consists predominantly of George Moscone's records from his time in the California State Senate and as mayor of San Francisco, spanning the years of 1967-1978

Mountain View House (Peregoy Meadows, Calif.) Hotel Register

Photocopy of original hotel register, unpaginated, bound volume of approximately 207 pages with preface and copies of two photographs. The register has also been microfilmed and is held by the University of the Pacific and the University of California. The...

Muir (John) Library

This collection of Muir’s personal library is curated alphabetically by author in his own bookcases from his Martinez, California home. Most remarkable about this collection is that many volumes contain Muir’s own notations in the form of drawings, marginalia, and...

Muir (John) Papers

The Muir Papers consists of John Muir's correspondence, journals, manuscripts, notebooks, drawings, and photographs. It also includes some Muir family papers, the William and Maymie Kimes collection of Muir's published writings, the Sierra Club Papers (1896-1913 ), materials collected and...

Muiriana Collection

This collection contains original personal correspondence, notes, ephemera, and photographs of John Muir and materials related to Muir family genealogy from various identified and unidentified donors.

Nagai (Nelson) Sumida (Grace) Collection

The Nelson Nagai and Grace Sumida Collection consists of clippings, programs, and photographs compiled by Nelson Nagai and Grace Sumida.

Nakata (Frank) Collection

Many of the almost 50 letters are in Japanese and many, but not all, of those have been translated. There are letters from other Relocation Camps in Topaz, Utah; Granada, Colorado (Amache); and Newell, California (Tule Lake). Other locations include:...

National Organization for Women San Joaquin County Chapter Archives

The papers of the San Joaquin County of California Chapter of NOW. Including clippings, correspondence, reports, newsletters, promotional material, and ephemera.

Neumiller (Charles L.) Political Papers

The Neumiller collection consists of: correspondence, pamphlets, speeches, clippings, sample ballots and other material pertaining to the political activities of Hiram W. Johnson (1913-1933) and to Charles Neumiller's tenure with the Republican State Central Committee (1924). The collection also contains...

Newspaper Collections

The Holt-Atherton Special Collections and Archives curates hundreds of newspapers in hardcopy and on microfilm that focus on the West, California, the Central Valley, San Joaquin Valley, and Stockton.

Nimitz (Chester W.) Collection

Transcript copies of correspondence, orders, reports, speeches (1943-1948), and press clippings. Speeches also on microfilm. CINCPAC (Comander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet) reports from Nimitz on operations and battles. Includes 79 photographs (1885-1957) of Nimitz' career and signed photographs...

Northern California Grain Exchange Papers

The Northern California Grain Exchanges Papers consist of a wide range of director's and committee minutes (1904-1993), publications (1965-1993), legal and financial papers....

Nosse (Carl) Papers

The collection contains varying versions of music media. Sheet music of original compositions is the bulk of the collection. The music sheets are designed for a multitude of instruments, including woodwinds, guitars, brass, and more. They cover orchestra, ensembles, opera,...

Oakland (California) School Women's Club Records

The Oakland School Women's Club papers consist of a history of the Club (1942) by a former member, four volumes of Club minutes (1912-25), Club Bulletins (27 issues, 1914-23) and miscellaneous correspondence....

Odd Fellows, Independent Order of Charity Lodge (Stockton, Calif.) Records

The Odd Fellows Charity Lodge Records consist of correspondence, financial statements, reports, bills and other financial papers (1852-1867)....

Oregon (Stuart) History Collection

This collection includes documents such as agreements, correspondence, bills of sale, rent receipts, oaths of office, stock certificates, bids, certificates of election, dividend receipts, and deeds dating from 1844-1900 relating to or originating from the state of Oregon. It also...

Oullahan Family Papers

The Oullahan Papers consist primarily of the correspondence, speeches and writings of Alexander C. Oullahan (1890-1930). Among his correspondents were: Grover Cleveland; James P. Phelan; William Gibbs McAdoo; Luther Burbank; and, Franklin D. Roosevelt. There are also letters between Oullahan...

Paden (Irene D.) Papers

The Paden papers consist of notes, research materials, and portions of the drafts of her three books. They are contained in seven manuscript boxes (3 linear ft.), the first four of which contain 18 ringbinders of notes, quotations, and transcripts...

Pan American Society (USA), San Francisco Chapter Papers

The papers of the Pan American Society (1928-1965) consist of correspondence, financial and membership records, publicity, photographs, educational materials and memorabilia....

Pease (Howard) Papers

Included in the Howard Pease Papers are drafts of some of his published novels, short stories and newspaper articles as well as correspondence from family, friends, fans and business associates. The collection also contains memorabilia, including awards, reviews, photographs and...

Penn Chemical Works (Campo Seco, Calif.) Essay Records

This collection consists of pages of unbound printed forms on which daily assay samples are recorded, giving the percentages of copper, iron, etc. in each sample. Since the period covered by these records includes the World War I years, the...

Philomathean Club Records

The collection contains four principal elements: yearbooks, scrapbooks, minute books, and financial records.

Pond (Inez H.) Collection

In addition to Henderson/Drown family documents and Pond/McHenry family correspondence and photographs, the Inez Pond Collection consist of Inez Henderson Pond's research notes, drafts and published articles on Stockton, San Joaquin County, the Mother Lode and California, with particular emphasis...

Reith (Gertrude M.) Slide Collection on the Regional Geography of California

Approximately 8,000 slides of California (1955-1983) focusing on geographic aspects and illustrating landforms, physical features, land uses and especially agriculture and forestry, some historic sites and buildings, port facilities, highlights of cities, and aerial views.

Rhodes Family Papers

The Rhodes Family Papers consist of correspondence (1838-1877), Robert H. Rhodes diary (1848-1849), California ranch business records(1858-1898), and miscellaneous biographical and genealogical materials pertaining to the Rhodes, Smith, Pister and McDermott families....

Robbins (Reed) Collection

The Reed Robbins Collection consists of approximately 10 linear feet of correspondence, maps, photographs, books, pamphlets, notes, and reports, pertaining chiefly to California (and especially to San Joaquin County) real estate and politics (1947-1987)....

Roberts (Helen M.) Collection

The Helen Moore Roberts Collection consists of much nineteenth century family correspondence (notably of letters to Capt. J. Milo Hinton from his children and from English relatives); family photographs; dance programs; souvenir booklets and magazines. Many of these dance publications...

Robinette Family Papers

Theodore Julius Robinette's ship's log (1860) describes his voyage from Philadelphia to San Francisco on the Morning Light captained by B.A. Johnson. Robinette's log provides mileage figures, course, wind direction and other remarks, chiefly concerning the weather. Civil War era...

Robinson (Clarence C.) Photo Albums

Four photo albums that primarily contain photos taken in Texas, California, and Hawaii. Includes World War I era photos of Fort Sam Houston, and photos of Kamehameha School, Honolulu (1920s-1930s).

Rosenberg (Bernard) Collection of Stockton and Sacramento Jewish history materials

20th century Stockton Rabbi, Bernard Rosenberg, collected genealogical material and records on early Jewish history of Stockton.

Rotary Club of Stockton (Calif.) Papers

The Stockton Rotary Papers consist of local chapter minutes, correspondence, roll books, financial records, scrapbooks, publications and memorabilia (1913-), as well as national publications and proceedings of international meetings (1932-1966). Additions to the collection are anticipated....

Rough & Ready Acorn

The Rough and Ready Acorn is a newspaper that was produced by the Naval Supply Annex on Rough and Ready Island in Stockton, California. Volume 1 began in 1945. This collection consists of 198 bi-monthly 4-page issues.

Routt Tokay High School Local History Collection

The Routt Collection contains local histories by Tokay High School (Lodi, Calif.) students together with audio tapes of interviews with source persons which formed part of the basis for the student papers (1989-1995). Subject matter ranges from general topics like...

Sampson (W.F.) Papers

Sampson's papers include investment information on hedging in sugar futures(1920-1932) and automobile purchase contracts and insurance forms (1927; 1937-1940)....

San Francisco Chinatown Residential Inspection Records

Collection consists of 4 volumes listing residents by name with occupations. First volume arranged by address, others arranged alphabetically by personal name.

San Francisco Earthquake Scrapbook

Identified in gold letters as "Crane Company. Plumbing, Gas, Steam, and Water Supplies, 1893" at 23 & 25 First Street, San Francisco, California, this 275 pp. illustrated catalog of plumbing supplies describes, lists and provides sizes and prices of fittings...

San Joaquin Co. (Calif.) Account Book

This account book contains a record of at least some of the financial transactions of the county government during its earliest years. Because the pages are unnumbered, access to entries is provided by numbered streamers....

San Joaquin Co. (Calif.) Public Documents

The San Joaquin, California Public Documents collection consists of printed matter relating to various aspects of twentieth century San Joaquin County agencies and activities. Included is information on: agriculture, commerce, crime, demographics, education, elections, finances, government, housing, planning, transportation, and...

San Joaquin County (Calif.) Sheriff's Records

The collection consists of three County Jail Log Books, thirteen volumes of Mug Books containing approximately 7600 photographs, and a State of California Parole Violators ledger.

San Joaquin Mining Company Papers

Collection consists of photocopies of records of the San Joaquin County Mining Company. Includes articles of incorporation, stock certificates, correspondence, financial records, and a variety of other documents.

San Luis Obispo County Jail Register

This collection of records are contained in a single volume register of prisoners received in and discharged from San Luis Obispo County Jail, July 1, 1912 -September 30, 1913. The register provides the date on which a prisoner was received,...

San Quentin Folsom Prison Index

This index volume lists names and numbers of all inmates in San Quentin & Folsom prisons (1910)....

Sargent (Shirley) Papers

This collection contains some fifty of Shirley Sargent's published and unpublished book drafts as well as correspondence, primarily to and from her editors....

Schweitzer (Jeffrey) Collection

The Jeffrey Schweitzer Collection contains papers, pamphlets, maps, photographs and books. With the exception of Series IV: Duff Chapman Papers, most of these materials relate to mines and mining practices in the first half of the twentieth century. Schweitzer's mining...

Secret Ravine Mining Company Records

The Secret Ravine Records consist of correspondence (1908-1913), By-Laws, Minutes and Ledgers (1909-1911)....

Segerstrom Family Collection

The Segerstrom Collection contains a nearly complete run of all correspondence and financial reports relating to the operation of each of Charles Segerstrom's hotel properties. The Collection contains correspondence and company records related to several business activities of the Segerstrom...

Sheep Ranch Mine Collection

The Sheep Ranch Mine Collection consists of reports, notes and correspondence pertaining to 20th c. activity at the mine (1918-1939). It also contains a Report of the Best & Belcher Gold and Silver Mining Co. of San Andreas....

Sheldon (Ella) Diaries

Collection consists primarily of diaries written by Sheldon while serving as a stewardess on Pacific-based steamer ships in the 1890s.

Shiman Family Papers

The Shiman Family Papers consist principally of the records of the San Lorenzo store. These records occupy six journals (1860-1863, 1869-1890), eleven day books (1859-1863, 1873-1885, 1888-1890), three cash books (1879-1896), an inventory book (1888, 1891) and a purchase order...

Shimeall (Eleanor) California Water Collection

Series 1 consists of papers Eleanor Shimeall ammassed while serving on the San Joaquin County Water Action Committee (1974-1977) and its successor, the Water Advisory Commission (1980-1990) constitute a significant element of the collection. They form a substantial record of...

Shone (James Eastman) Collection of Muiriana

The collection includes correspondence to and from John Muir, over 100 Muir sketches and drawings, many photographs of Muir, Galloway, Eastman, Hand, Shone, and Reid families.

Shreck (Lura Brown) Collection of George Hubert Wilkins Papers

The bulk of the Shreck-Wilkins Papers consists of clippings, correspondence and a Wilkins manuscript pertaining to his explorations (1928-1937)....

Shumway (Norman D.) Congressional Papers

This collection covers Norman Shumway’s time serving as Representative for the 14th District. It contains his correspondence with his constituents on local and national issues, as well as his position statements and policy proposals.

Shutes Collection of Lincolniana

The collection is in two boxes. Box 1 contains Shutes' correspondence, miscellaneous Lincoln reminiscences, Shutes' book accession records and a bound catalogue of his library. Box 2 is a collection of various Lincoln -related pamphlets. The Special Collections library also...

Skaar (Sven) Collection

The Sven Skaar Collection consists principally of notes and clippings related to Skaar's fiction. There are also clippings and correspondence pertinent to his activities in Nevada City and to the history of 19th century Anglo California with particular emphasis on...

Small Business and Official Records

These Holt-Atherton Center collections contain single items of business and official records which are cataloged individually.

Small California Collections

Holt Atherton's Small California Collections span the region's history from 1806 to the present. Their particular emphasis lies in the the first fifty years of statehood, where they are especially strong in materials pertaining to Biography, Business, Mining, Politics and...

Small Civil War Collections

Consists of eight folder-size collections of materials related only by their common origins in the American Civil War....

Small Miscellaneous Collections

Miscellaneous small collections.

Smith & Lang Co. (Stockton, California) Records

This collection includes the Smith & Lang Co.'s by-laws, a minute book (1910-1947), a general ledger (1910-1929), stock book (1910-1943), bank statements and checks (1945-1946), and other financial documents (1922-1946)....

Smith, (A. LaMont) Collection

The collection contains research papers and theses; minutes from the California Board of Corrections; California legislative committee reports; information on county jails and detention facilities in California; inmate counseling; jail standards for California; reports on probation and parole in California....

Smith Collection of Pacific Coast Newspaper Transcripts

The Smith Collection of newspaper transcripts focusses on the decade of the 1860s and is centered around those California counties which figured in the copper boomlet of that era: Calaveras, Humboldt, and Modoc. However, the material that the Smiths transcribed...

Smith (Jedediah) Society Collection

The Jed Smith Society Collection contains two types of materials: Series 1 consisting of items pertaining to the life of Smith; and, series 2 containing items describing activities of the Society. In the first category are: manuscripts of writings on...

Smith/Bacon Family Collection

Although consisting primarily of newspaper and magazine clippings, this collection also contains copies of Smith Family wills, accounts, correspondence and other materials including several pictures of family members and friends....

Snook (James) Reminiscences

James Snook's writings describe his adult life in great detail. Snook devotes over 250 pages to his wartime experiences alone, while his miscellaneous vignettes, anecdotes and stories about life in northern California (1916-1986) occupy more than 300 pages. Snook began...

Spooner family papers

Collection consists of family photographs of John Pitcher Spooner family and papers of John Pitcher Spooner and Fred K. Spooner. John Pitcher Spooner's papers include family correspondence, notes, a sea voyage sketchbook and genealogy notes (1857-1917). Fred Spooner's papers include...

Sprague (Claire B.) Collection

The Claire Sprague Collection consists of materials relating both to Mrs. Sprague's teaching and to her writing career. One important component is a set of letters written to Mrs. Sprague by interned Japanese American 6th graders, formerly of French Camp...

Stagg (Amos Alonzo) Collection

The Stagg Collection contains biographical materials, correspondence, clippings, writings by and about Stagg, photographs and memorabilia.

State Emergency Relief Administration (SERA) Records for San Joaquin County, Calif.

1.5 linear ft., four boxes, arranged chronologically....

Stevenot (Barden) Papers

The collection consists of family, mining, personal, and local history material collected by Barden Stevenot. The material is made up of correspondence, photo albums, research documents, mining reports, and maps.

Stevenot Family Papers

The Stevenot Collection consists primarily of family papers and business records of Archibald D. Stevenot (1916-1965). It includes: Golden Chain Council of the Mother Lode correspondence (1950-1965); miscellaneous E Clampus Vitus records (1940-1965); records of Stevnot's Merced hotels (1924-1940); and,...

Stockton Air Field Collection of Mary Salm

The collection consists of various pictures and documents from the Stockton Air Field between 1943 and 1944.

Stockton Business & Professional Women's Club Records

Collection consists of Club History Reports created by the Club Historian, and club directories.

Stockton (Calif.) Druggist's Records

None of the material in this collection dates from the years when the Holden Drug Company was operated by the Holdens. Apart from a scattering of turn-of-the-century advertising pamphlets, all items found here are prescription records dating from 1910 or...

Stockton (Calif.) Furniture Factory Records & "Fica" Dorrance Scrapbook

The clippings Mrs. Dorrance has pasted over the index pages and most of the first 120 pages of the Stockton Furniture Factory's account books refer to society women, causation, divination, electrical therapy, woman suffrage, phrenology, performing artists, California tourist attractions...

Stockton (Calif.) Police Arrest Jail Records

I. STOCKTON CITY POLICE ARREST BOOKS **Each Arrest Record Book contains the following information: arrestee name, date, offense, arresting officer name, list of property of arrestee...

Stockton (Calif.) Public Documents

The Stockton, California Public Documents collection consists of printed matter relating to various aspects of twentieth century Stockton commerce, demographics, education, finances, housing, planning, transportation, and various other topics (1952-). Ms251 was created by Holt Atherton staff as a convenient...

Stockton (Calif.) School District Truancy & Absence Records

Ledger entries include: dates (from January 1912 through March 1917), name of student, address, school, and cause of absence. A compendium of excuses--absences range from childhood illnesses, truancy, illnesses of parents, accidents, toothaches, out for the circus, has no shoes,...

Stockton Chinese Christian Center Collection

The collection consists of photographs, newspaper clippings, and a 1946 annual report related to the Chinese Christian Center from 1935 to 1954.

Stockton Cultural Heritage Board Papers

The Stockton Cultural Heritage Board Papers span the years 1977-1986, with the bulk of material falling between 1987 and 2005. The collection consists of minutes and agendas, correspondence, petitions, bylaws, site descriptions and awards granted by the board to historical...

Stockton Fire Department Precursor Records

This collection includes corrrespondence, financial and legal documents and miscellaneous papers of the Stockton Fire Department, 1856-1887 (headquarter unit)and from five divisions: Eureka Fire Company, 1856-1905; San Joaquin Fire Company, 1856-1887; Weber Fire Company, 1875-1886; Protection Hook and Ladder Company,...

Stockton Garden Club Collection,

This collection contains materials kept by the Stockton Garden Club historians for some of the years between 1956 and 2009. Much of the collection focuses on the Stockton Garden Club specifically, but some materials relate to the parent organization of...

Stockton Immigrant Women Collection

This collection contains audio interviews, transcriptions, and related newspaper clippings of immigrant women in Stockton.

Stockton in Vintage Postcards Collection

This collection of postcards documents the history of Stockton. Most of the images are of buildings, streets, and businesses.

Stockton Ministerial Association

Most of the material consists of announcements, minutes, and schedules of meetings. The directory of Stockton ministers contains information on most ministers and their churches in Stockton regardless of active membership with the association.

Stockton Pen Women Records

The Stockton Pen Women Records consist of minutebooks (1950-1973); by-laws and rosters (1968-1976); scrapbooks (1950-1975); organization publications and miscellaneous correspondence (1950-1975)....

Stockton Poetry Society Papers

Collection consists of published poems and unpublished manuscripts and typescripts by the approximately forty members of the Society.

Stockton Symphony League and Association Papers

The Stockton Symphony Papers consist of: scrapbooks (1930-); programs (1925-); publicity flyers and biographies; reviews; correspondence and memorabilia pertaining to the activities of the Stockton Symphony. The collection also contains programs of the Stockton Symphony Ballet (1928-1988) and some personal...

STOCKTONSpeaks Collection

The collection consists of material generated during the implementation of the project and the final reports. Included are notes, photos and audio from the interviews of 54 Stocktonians.

Stratton Family Collection

The Stratton Family Collection consists of correspondence and photographs relating to Stratton family business and farm matters in Ottawa (Kan.), Oakland (Calif.) and Veronia and Carlton (Ore.)...

Stuart (Reginald R.) Papers

The Stuart Collection is arranged in eight series. Series I contains family pedigrees, genealogy correspondence and narrative accounts of the lives of members of Stuart's extended family. This series also contains a complete run of Reginald Stuart's "Clan Stuart Dial"...

Sullivan (Maurice S.) Papers on Jedediah Smith

Sullivan's papers, which were given to Holt Atherton in 1965 by Helen Morgan, consist of four series of materials. Series 1 is Sullivan's Smith correspondence. Series 2 consists of Sullivan's notes on Smith. Series 3 is made up of several...

Swain Marysville San Francisco Theatre Collection

The scrapbook which forms the chief element of these papers was created by W.B. Swain. It contains theater programs, reviews and Swain's notes about attendance and the performances at Marysville between 1886 and 1908. One of the Swains also collected...

Sweet (Evander M., Jr.) Bureau of Indian Affairs Collection

This collection of correspondence, agency reports, field notes, and photographs was compiled by Evander M. Sweet, Jr., Inspector of Indian Services for the BIA from 1915 to 1921. Much of the material consists of Sweet's inspection and investigative reports prepared...

Sweet, (Evander McIver E.M. Jr.) Papers

This collection contains family correspondence.

Sweet (Pearl S.) Collection

The Pearl Shaffer Sweet Collection contains correspondence, notes and papers describing the formation of the J.A.B. Fry Library. These materials also document Mrs. Sweet's research activities as Archivist of that Library. Before and after her retirement, Mrs. Sweet maintained scrapbooks...

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Collection

Most of this collection consists of printed matter generated by, or relating to, the activities of the TRPA. It is arranged topically and includes: materials that treat the history and structure of the Agency, copies of TRPA ordinances, drafts of...

Taverner (Margaret B.) Collection

This collection consists of photos and notes Taverner gathered in the course of her research on the relationship between the real and fictional landscapes in the California writings of Mark Twain and Bret Harte (1940-1960)....

Taylor (Elliott and Burta) Collection

The Elliott & Burta Taylor Collection contains rare film footage of Albania (1929-1935), transcribed on videotape with a voice-over narrative done by Burta Taylor (c1990). The slides Elliott Taylor took--representing unusual views and seldom-visited sites in more than twenty countries--are...

Thompson (John W.) Scrapbook

Thompson's scrapbook, reveals an interest in California, Nebraska and Oregon local history, the history of American telegraphy, and an active involvement with a considerable extended family. Most of the materials to be found here are newspaper clippings, although the scrapbook...

Tuolumne Co. (Calif.) Gold Rush Papers

This collection is particularly strong in materials relating to Jamestown, which lay on Woods Creek and was an important early source of much gold (1849-1850). The town declined briefly (1852-1855) when surface gold played out, but revived again with the...

U. S. Bureau of the Census. Census Data Cards

Consists of 275 cards listing population data for Stockton, Calif. (1950)

Underwood (Lucas) Collection

This collection consists of original scores and arrangements by Lucas Underwood, some of his teaching materials, and 7 scrapbooks of photos, clippings, and programs.

United Daughters of the Confederacy. Sterling Price Chapter (Stockton, Calif.) Records

The UDC Sterling Price Chapter Records are organized in eight series, as follows: Series I-Minute Books (1911- ); Series II-Membership Reports, Records and Applications (1912- ), including genealogical and biographical information; Series III-Financial Records (1932-2013); Series IV-State Division Correspondence &...

United Spanish War Veterans. San Francisco Camps Papers

The United Spanish War Veterans Collection consists of records of three San Francisco Camps of the United Spanish War Veterans: the Nelson A. Miles Camp No. 10; the Reinhold Richter Camp No. 2; and the Funston-Royce Camp No. 61. It...

University Archives

The University Archives contains papers and publications, together with histories, photographs, and ephemera, generated by the various administrative, faculty, and student branches of the University from its inception in 1851 to the present. ...

University Of The Pacific Emeriti Society Oral History Collection

This collection contains oral histories of former faculty and administration members.

Vacaville Oral History Collection

The Vacaville Collection consists of: Ronald Limbaugh's research notes; book drafts; photographs; project correspondence and reports; and, fifty-nine taped interviews with long-time residents of Vacaville, California conducted by Limbaugh, together with miscellaneous documentation pertaining to these interviews (1976-78). A few...

Van Alstyne (Richard W.) Papers

The Van Alstyne Papers contain correspondence (1932-1982); book, article and review manuscripts; samples of lectures and other teaching materials; and, memorabilia. Van Alstyne's correspondants include: Charles Beard; Ray Allen Billington; Henry Cabot Lodge; Hans Morgenthau; Earl Pomeroy; Abraham Nasatir; Allan...

Van Kriedt (David) Papers

Collection consists primarily of musical scores and parts by David van Kriedt.

Verbarg (Leonard) Collection

The Verbarg Collection consists of: [Series I] the hundreds of brief local history essays submitted for publication in the Oakland Tribune's "Knave" column (1953-1974); [Series II] correspondence between Leonard Verbarg and the public relative to these submissions; [Series III] memorabilia...

Waddingham Slide Collection and Papers

Slides, photograph, and documents on a variety of California topics and locations.

Wall (Frank G.) Correspondence

This collection contains letters dating from 1871 through 1922, plus undated correspondence, with other farmers (generally relatives) in Iowa, New York, Kansas and Washington State on topics related to farming and rural life. ...

Wallis (John K.) California Diary

The Wallis Diary entries are well-organized, and--though often terse--form an easily understood, readable description of a miner's and farmer's daily life. Wallis is particulary informative with respect to the business aspects of early placer mining. He describes in some detail...

Waring (Richard) - Miller & Lux Collection

The Waring Miller & Lux Collection consists of Stanislaus County Recorder, Richard Waring's notes on Henry Miller and Charles Lux together with a copy of the Decree of Distribution of their estate (1900)....

Washburn Family Papers

Papers consist of Washburn/Young family genealogical history. The collection includes letters, publications, writings, and photo albums.

Weast (Clair A.) Collection

The collection consists of Weast biographical material and a significant assortment of photos and slides that document Tillie Lewis Foods and Weast's interest in Spanish Missions.

Wells (Thomas W.) Papers

The collection consists of personal and business correspondence relating to Thomas W. Wells’ photography studio and mining investments as well as financial records.

Westerners Foundation Records

The Westerners Foundation Records include: articles of incorporation, by-laws, correspondence and manuscripts (1957-1975)....

Westerners International, Stockton Corral Records

The Stockton Corral of Westerners Collection contains the articles of incorporation, by-laws, awards information, membership lists, financial records, correspondence and memos, newsletters (Smokesignal), publicity and promotions, minutes of Posse (officers' meetings), publications records, collected Westerners publications, newspaper clippings, and photographs....

White (Albert) Waiters' Union Collection

This collection consists of White's seven union handbooks, his union traveling card and the By-Laws of the San Francisco chapter of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. The union handbooks contain the union constitution, which describes the objectives, roles of officers,...

Whitsell (Leon O.) California History Scrapbooks

This collection consists of 11 scrapbooks of clippings from California newspapers of the 1930s. Topics include California places and historical events, biographies, book reviews, and western history. Included are typescript transcriptions of historical articles as well as some correspondence regarding...

Wilhoit (Roley E.) Business Ledgers

The four ledgers in this collection record Roley E. Wilhoit's various business transactions between January 1891 and January 1902. During these years, Wilhoit sold insurance, bought, sold and rented San Joaquin county real estate, operated farms, lent money, and sold...

Willy (John) History Collection - Stockton (Calif.)

The Willy Collection consists of eleven scrapbooks of Stockton, Calif. history (1862-1929); a few photographs of historical sites in Stockton and in Oakland, Calif.; a Stockton tax assessor's plat book (1858); and, some loose clippings on Stockton history....

Wilson (John) Papers

The collection consists of petitions for release, letters, and drawings of inventions by mental patient John Wilson. Four of the petitions are in the form of long scrolls made up of smaller pages pasted together....

Winkley (John W.) "Major Pierson Barton Reading, California Pioneer"

Manuscript biography by John Winkley of the prominent northern California pioneer, Major Pierson Barton Reading (1816-1868). Winkley accessed three collections in his research for this biography: the Reading family papers in the possession of Major Reading's grand-daughter, Eleanor Lee Reading-Templeman...

Withee (Louisa A.) Papers

The primary correspondence in this collection consists of letters to Louisa A. Withee from her son son Haskell, her sister, Helen Manville, and Helen's daughter, Marion Pope. Some of these date from the Manvilles' European tour (1890). Subsequent items discuss,...

Wood California State Landmarks Advisory Committee Papers

Wood's committee papers consist principally of applications by various site sponsors for placement of their sites on the National Register of Historic Places. They are of particular interest in that they contain background and detailed research information about little-known buildings...

Wood (Carlos) Papers

The majority of the collection consists of materials generated during Wood's time at Douglas Aircraft and Sikorsky Aircraft.

Wood (Richard C.) - American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of California Papers

The collection consists of correspondence, notes, proposals by California counties for Bicentennial events and other Bicentennial project ideas of a more general nature....

Wood (Richard C.) Papers

The Coke Wood papers contain biographical material, including diaries, scrapbooks and photographs, as well as the writings and teaching materials of Richard Coke Wood (1930-1978)....

Woodruff (Ennis C.) Papers

The Woodruff Papers contain: correspondence; datebooks (1916-1958); professional notes, drawings and plans pertaining to Woodruff's lengthy career as an electrical engineer in San Joaquin County (1920-1968). They also contain: Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff's school notes; early financial records (1912-17); gardening...

Woods (Jean M.) Collection

The Woods Collection consists of: a "Statement about my branch of the Muir Family" (1994) by Dr. Jean Muir Woods; a photo album (c1875) containing pictures of Dr. Woods' immediate family; a wool blanket woven by members of the family...

Woods (Virna) Collection

The Virna Woods Collection contains manuscripts of her plays, prose and poetry, as well as memorabilia, photographs, correspondence and biographical materials relating to Ms. Woods. ...

Wright (Vaughn F.) Collection

Collection materials consist of photographs and scrapbooks from Wright's naval time in the Philippine Islands and China.

Wylly (Thomas S.) Gold Rush Narrative

Wylly's 205 page narrative begins with his eighteenth year and ends with his return from Central America to Georgia (1853). His grandson, Thomas Spalding Wylly III, has provided another hundred pages or so of supplementary notes based partly on family...

Yoshikawa Family Collection

The Yoshikawa Family Collection consists chiefly of: family correspondence (1937-1947); Rohwer Relocation Center schoolwork and other memorabilia (1942-1945); and, photographs---many taken by Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa---of Rohwer Relocation Center, friends and clients in New York and elsewhere....

Young (Eleanor L.) Papers

The great body of the Young papers consist of Miss Young's fifth through twelfth grade schoolwork (1901-1908). The papers also include notes on Miss Young's family, personal correspondence and photographs....

Zimmerman (Rheta L.) Collection

The Zimmerman Collection consists of correspondence and clippings relating to the establishment of Columbia (Calif.) State Historic Park (1934-1949); the restoration of the San Francisco Presidio (1938); the establishment of the Ina Coolbrith Park (San Francisco, 1946); the establishment of...

Zuckerman (John) Huleh Reclamation Papers

Zuckerman's papers consist chiefly of correspondence with Hamburg, Israeli government officials, and U.S. farming and equipment experts. The papers also contain reports, color slides, and a large map of the Huleh....