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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
Phone: (650) 723-3563
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Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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From A to Z
0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Z Archipelagu Gulag collection

Relates to Polish deportees and prisoners in the Soviet Union during World War II. Produced by Józef Gębski. Includes variant versions of the video tape, including one with English subtitles, and still photographs used in the production.

Z Wadowic do Watykanu video tape

Relates to the life of Pope John Paul II from his childhood in Poland to his attainment of the papacy.

Zabylov (Sergei) letters

Letters received from correspondents in the Soviet Union, relating to personal and family affairs.

Zacek (Pavel) collection

Case files, reports, and diaries and interrogation transcripts of Czech senior secret police personnel, relating to secret service activities in Czechoslovakia. Includes a summary of the secret police file on Václav Havel. Photocopies of originals in the Národní archiv.

Zagorskii (I. K.) typescript

Relates to political repression in the Soviet Union.

Zagovor protiv strany sovetov : fil'm vtoroi video tape

Soviet film relating to American espionage in the Soviet Union. Includes a segment attributing espionage activities to the American Relief Administration.

Zahidi (Ardashir) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, interview transcripts, financial records, photographs, video and sound recordings, printed matter, and computer disks relating to Ardeshir Zahedi's diplomatic career during the Pahlavi era in Iran. Zahedi served as Ambassador to the United States, Ambassador to...

Zahn (Dieter) collection

Election campaign literature and other printed political ephemera, mainly from Germany.

Zaitsov (Arsenii Aleksandrovich) mimeograph

Relates to Soviet economic and military policy.

Zake (Louis Joseph) papers

Writings, notes, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to activities of the Wydzial Narodowy Polski Centralny Komitet Ratunkowy w Ameryce in mobilizing Polish Americans to support relief efforts for Poland during and after World War I and to promote establishment of...

Zakhartchenko (Constantine L.) papers

These papers contain the personal documents and correspondence of Constantine L'vovich Zakhartchenko, a Russian émigré and aeronautical engineer. In the course of his engineering career, Zakhartchenko was involved with the design and development of numerous aircraft, aircraft components, and missiles,...

Zalar (Charles) typescript

Relates to communism in Yugoslavia. Ph.D. dissertation, Georgetown University.

Zaleski (August) papers

Correspondence, dispatches, memoranda, and reports, relating to interwar Polish diplomacy, conditions in Poland and diplomacy regarding Poland during World War II, and postwar Polish emigre life.

Zaleski (Jerzy J.) and Zbigniew Wolynski circular letter

Asks Poles to sign a demand to August Zaleski, president of the Polish Republic in Exile, for the reorganization of the Polish Government-in-Exile in order to make it more representative. Written by J. J. Zaleski and Zbigniew Wolynski.

Zalewski (Franciszek) papers

Reports, statistics, charts, notes, speeches, and diaries, relating primarily to the health of, and medical care for, Polish troops in the Soviet Union during World War II.

Zambia. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting photographs

Depicts Zambian and Chinese crews laying track for the Tanzam Railroad, and inauguration ceremonies upon completion of the railroad.

Zambian subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, leaflets, speeches, reports, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Zambia.

Zambrowski (Antoni) papers

Memoirs, other writings, correspondence, bulletins, printed matter, and audiovisual material, relating to political conditions in Poland and to the Solidarnosc movement.

Zambrowski, Roman papers

Memoirs, other writings, diaries, and printed matter, relating to political conditions in Poland and to the Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza.

Zammitt (Norman) photographs

Norman Charles Zammitt (1931-2007) was a Canadian-American artist who served in the United Air Force as a photographer from 1951 to 1955. The collection is composed of two hundred and forty-six 35mm photographic slides relating to the United States Air...

Zani i Kosoves periodical issue

Relates to Albanian culture, literature, and politics.

Zarin (Nikolai D.) papers

Diaries, certificates, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to Russian military operations during World War I. Includes English translation of diaries.

Zarochentsev (Mikhail Trofimovich) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, patents, business records, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the meat and fish refrigeration industries.

Zartman (I. William) collection

The I. William Zartman collection consists of research materials on Africa compiled by Zartman in the 1950s and 1960s. Comprised of clippings, news dispatches, and serial issues, the collection documents political developments and economic conditions in a number of African...

Zavadskii (Sergei Vladislavovich) typescript

Relates to Vladislav Romual'dovich Zavadskii, Russian Imperial courtier.

Zavarin (Evgeniĭ Alekseevich) writings

Semi-autobiographical stories, some relating to displaced person camps after World War II.

Zavarin (Konstantin Nikolaevich) typescript

Relates to the river warfare campaigns and tactics of the White Russian forces on the Kama River in Siberia during the Russian Civil War, 1918-1919. Written by K. N. Zavarin and Mikhail Smirnov.

Zawada (Edward) papers

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, reports, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries in Poland.

Zawodny (J. K.) papers

Writings, correspondence, interview transcripts, and research materials, relating to the Katyn Forest Massacre, the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, other aspects of Polish history, and labor conditions in the Soviet Union. Consists mainly of microfilm and compact disk copies.

Zborovskii family papers

Correspondence and photographs, relating to conditions of the Russian imperial family in captivity following the Russian Revolution, and to Russian emigre affairs. Includes letters written by the four daughters of Tsar Nicholas II and by the Tsar's sister Grand Duchess...

Zdanski (Konstanty) papers

Memoirs and photographs relating to the Russian community in China and to Polish-Soviet trade relations.

Zebot (Cyril A.) collection

Clippings, telegrams, letters, and speeches, relating to the testimonial dinner in honor of the eightieth birthday of Frank J. Lausche, United States senator from Ohio, held in Washington, D.C., November 16, 1975. Photocopy.

Zebrak (Nicholas A.) papers

Correspondence, clippings, and pamphlets, relating to Russian émigrés, police administration, and welfare and veterans' organizations in China.

(Zech) Lando William papers

Memoranda, reports, studies, correspondence, briefing books, and printed matter, relating to nuclear power plants in the United States, including issues of licensing, safety and waste management.

Zechanowitsch (George) papers

Identification, school, military, and legal documents, as well as photographs, relating to Russian émigré life in Poland and Germany, and to displaced persons following World War II. Includes documents of other family members of George Zechanowitsch, primarily relating to pre-Revolutionary...

Zeitungsdienst Graf Reischach newspaper clippings

Newspaper photographs of prominent Germans in politics, business, art, and the military.

Zelikow - Rice papers

Correspondence, memoranda, notes, speeches and writings, press releases, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the unification of Germany, and to American and Soviet foreign policy regarding it. Includes photocopies of Soviet archival documents. Used as research material forthe book by...

Zemmering (Raissa G.) papers

Correspondence and miscellany, relating to the émigré Russian writer Ivan Shmelev. Mainly letters received from Ivan Shmelev.

Zeng (Qi) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, party programs and proceedings, clippings, other printed matter, and photographs relating to political conditions in China, the Young China Party, and Chinese relations with the United States.

Zeng (Zhaolun) typescript

This collection contains a typescript about the emergence of the Chinese Democratic League....

Zenzinov (V.) translations

Excerpts from letters and diaries of Soviet soldiers during the Russo-Finnish War, relating to conditions at the front, living conditions in the Soviet Union, and personal matters. Includes photocopies of the original letters and diaries.

Zernova (Ruth) and Serman (Ilya) papers

Ilya Serman (1913-2010) was a literary scholar and professor of Russian and Slavic Philology in Russia and Israel. Ruth Zernova (1919-2004) was a writer and interpreter, an author of several novels and many short stories. Their archive contains biographical material...

Zershchikov (K.) typescript

Relates to the bodyguard of Tsar Nicholas II in 1917. Photocopy.

Zgineli w Katyniu exhibit

Photographs and textual commentary, relating to the Katyn Forest Massacre. Exhibit sponsored by the Stowarzyszenie Rodzin Ofiar Katynia.

Zhabinskii (Vl.) papers

Radio broadcast scripts and sound recordings, fictional writings, memoranda, notes, correspondence, and printed matter relating to Radio Liberty broadcasting to the Soviet Union, and to Russian literature.

Zhang (Junmai) miscellaneous papers

Two letters to United States Secretary of State George C. Marshall and General Albert C. Wedemeyer, respectively, relating to prospects for a coalition government in China, 1947; military reorganization agreement, 1946; and painting and calligraphy presented to Zhang as a...

Zhang (Li) writings

Relates to economic reform in China, 1976-1984; and to a visit to a forced labor camp in Sinkiang Province by the Dalai Lama XIV in 1957.

Zhang (Lisheng) papers

Letters, biographical data, printed matter, and photographs, relating to political conditions in China and Taiwan. Includes a memoir by Hsiao-yuen de Groot, daughter of Zhang Lisheng.

Zhang Xueliang jiang jun jiu shi da shou lu ying video tape

Depicts the ninetieth birthday celebration of General Chang Hsüeh-liang in Taiwan. Includes commemorative brochures.

Zhang (Yidong) collection

Notes, clippings, and serial issues, relating to political and social conditions in China from 1956 to 1976.

Zhao (Dihua) papers

The Zhao Dihua papers (1938-1951) consists of diaries, writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to banking and economic conditions in China.

Zhao (Hengyi) letter

Relates to political turmoil in Hunan Province, China. Photocopy.

Zhao (Zhenbei) papers

The Zhao Zhenbei 趙真北 papers (1951-1986) document the activities of government official Zhao Zhenbei in his native Inner Mongolia during the Cultural Revolution. It includes materials relating to the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its activities...

Zhenkun (Xiao) papers

Writings, certificates, photograph, and memorabilia relating to Chinese aerial operations during World War II, and to the post-war Taiwanese air force.

Zhernakov, V. N. papers

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, and photographs of Zhernakov, a russian émigré scholar in Manchuria, Australia and the United States. Materials relate to the society, culture and natural history of Manchuria, and to Russian émigré affairs.

Zāhidī (Nāṣir) papers

Nāṣir Zāhidī was the Second Secretary of the Imperial Embassy of Iran and cousin of Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi. The Nāṣir Zāhidī papers (1953-2013) includes materials associated with the Imperial Embassy of Iran; ephemera relating to state visits and other official...

Zhilkina (Tat'iana) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, and photocopies of clerical documents, relating to the Russian community and Russian Orthodox Church in the United States, and including drafts of and research materials for the book by Tat'iana Zhilkina, (Moscow, 2005); and sound recordings of...

Zhirinovskii (Vladimir Vol'fovich) speech

Speech given in Narva, Estonia, relating to Russian nationalism and political conditions in the former Soviet Union.

Zhivkova (Evgeniia) collection

Photographs, compact disk, and printed matter, relating to the Bulgarian communist leader Todor Zhivkov. Includes a copy of his privately printed memoirs; compact disk version of selected documents from the Bulgarian state archives; and photographs of Todor Zhivkov, mainly in...

Zhongguo di zheng yan jiu suo interviews

Interviews with twenty-one officials who participated in the Taiwan Land Reform Program, 1949-1953, conducted by the China Research Institute of Land Economics. Includes transcripts.

Zhongguo gong chan dang issuances

Internal documents, books, pamphlets, serial issues, broadsides, and flyers relating to political, military, social, and economic conditions in China at the national, provincial, and local levels.

Zhongguo guo min dang [Kuomintang] records

Relates to political conditions in and government of China and Taiwan.

Zhuang (Xueben) papers

Report, instructional materials, and photographs, relating to ethnic minorities in Xikang Province, China.

Ziemelkalifornijas latviesu biedriba records

The Ziemeļkalifornijas latviešu biedrība (Northern California Latvian Association) records pertain to the largest organization in the Latvian community of Northern California and consist of minutes, correspondence, membership and financial records, bulletins, and printed matter relating to Latvian émigré affairs and...

Ziffren (Lester) papers

The Lester Ziffren papers contain materials relating to the Spanish Civil War. As Madrid bureau chief for United Press, Ziffren filed dispatches and made nightly radio broadcasts in which he described political, economic, and social conditions in Spain in the...

Zilberman (Bella Neumann) papers

Writings, letters, and printed matter, relating to proposals to bring about world peace.

Zilinskas (Raymond A.) collection

Technical reports and bibliographies, relating to biological warfare.

Zilm (Harvey) photographs

Depicts the American gunboat Sacramento and other foreign warships in Vladivostok harbor, Japanese and Russian troops in Vladivostok, and scenes of daily life in Vladivostok at the conclusion of Allied intervention during the Russian Civil War. Includes commentary on the...

Ziloti (V. P.) diaries

Diaries relating to Russian émigré affairs.

Zima (Suellen) papers

Letters received from Chinese acquaintances and photographs relating to social conditions in China.

Zimbabwean subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, flyers, reports, government documents, press releases, other printed matter, and audiovisual materials, relating to revolutionary movements in Zimbabwe, especially the Zimbabwe African National Union and the Zimbabwe African People's Union, the history of Zimbabwe, and political, social...

Zimmerman (Oliver B.) photograph

Depicts the entrance of the German army into Brussels, Belgium, in August 1914. Taken by O. B. Zimmerman from the window of the office of the International Harvester Company.

Zinkin (Harold) collection

Russian tabernacle, inscribed "Ral'k, Supplier for the Imperial Court."

Zivot a smrt generala Heliodora Piky typescript

Relates to the career of General Heliodor Píka, Czechoslovak army officer, and chief of the Czechoslovak military mission in the Soviet Union during World War II, who was executed in Czechoslovakia in 1949. Includes two separate drafts, one of them...

Zjednoczenie Polskich Uchodźców w Niemczech records

Minutes, correspondence, reports, case files, and printed matter relating to relief activities on behalf of Polish refugees in Germany and to Polish émigré activities.

Znamiecki (Alexander) typescript

Relates to Herbert Hoover and United States Food Administration relief work in Poland at the end of World War I.

Zolin (Fred H.) papers

Letters, telegraphic dispatches, and an autobiographical sketch, relating to conditions in Hungary in 1919 and to the Romanian intervention in Hungary.

Zon (Julius) papers

Correspondence and newspaper issues, relating to the German occupation of Poland and to German concentration camps.

Zsako (Istvan) typescript

Relates to twentieth-century Hungarian history and to Hungarian émigré affairs.

Zschau (Ed) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, press releases, bills, testimony, studies, campaign literature, printed matter, and video tapes, relating to Congressional election campaigns, and various national political issues, particularly export administration of high technology products.

Zubets (Vladimir Aleksandrovich) typescript

Relates to Russians in the Chinese army in the 1920s. Includes a summary of contents in English.

Zubok (V. M.) interviews

Sound recordings of interviews of Soviet and American government officials relating to Soviet foreign policy during the presidency of Mikhail Gorbachev.

Zuill (William E. S.) collection

Reports and clippings, relating to the imposition of British censorship in Bermuda during World War II.

Zujovic (Mladen J.) papers

Diaries, notebooks, and printed matter, relating to Serbian military operations during World War I, and to Dra?a Mihailovic and the Cetnik resistance movement in Yugoslavia during World War II.

Zukarskas (V. P.) collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, and bulletins, issued by the Soviet government and by various anti-communist organizations in the United States, relating to Soviet social policy, communism in Lithuania, and Lithuanians in the United States.

Zumoff (Jacob Andrew) processed volume

Relates to American communism and the Communist International. Ph.D. thesis, University of London.

Zundelevich (Aaron Isaakovich) correspondence

Correspondence with family and friends, relating to prison and exile conditions in Siberia, general political conditions in Russia, and Russian revolutionary activities.

Zuniga Huete (Angel) letters

Relates to American-Honduran relations.

Zuts (Vsevolod Leonidovich) writings

Relates to activities of the Akademiia nauk Ukraïns'koï RSR and especially to the editing of the Ukraïns'ka radians'ka entsyklopediia, and to social conditions in Russia.

Zvegintsov (Nikolai) papers

Correspondence, writings, and memoranda relating to activities of White Russian military forces during the Russian Civil War.

Zwiazek Bojownikow o Wolnosc i Demokracje miscellaneous records

Case files, including correspondence, memoranda, and lists, relating to World War II military service of selected Polish officers, and to postwar veterans' affairs.

Zwiazek Patriotow Polskich w ZSRR printed material

Relates to pro-Soviet Polish organizations during World War II.

Zwiazek Socjalistycznej Mlodziezy Polskiej. Urzad Rady Ministrow records

Minutes, resolutions, membership rosters, statutes, and individual membership books, relating to communist youth activities in Poland.