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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
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Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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Baade (Fritz) memoranda

Relates to letters of appeal from Reinhold Mayer, minister president of Baden-Württemberg, to Lucius D. Clay, United States High Commissioner for Germany, protesting Allied industrial dismantling in Germany.

Baarslag (Karl) papers

Writings, reports, memoranda, letters, pamphlets, and other printed matter relating to international communism, communism in the United States, communism in maritime unions, and internal security activities of the Office of Naval Intelligence during World War II.

Babb (James) papers

Writings, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to peace and anti-nuclear movements in the United States, and especially at San Jose State University in the 1970s and 1980s.

Babb (Nancy) papers

Correspondence, reports, and memoranda, relating to American Relief Administration and American Friends Service Committee work in Russia.

Babcock (Conrad Stanton) papers

Memoirs and photographs, relating to American military activities during the Philippine insurrection of 1899-1901, and in France during World War I.

Babel' (I.) letters

Letters to family members relating to Russian literature and personal affairs. Includes typed transcripts. Photocopy.

Babinski (Witold) typescript

Relates to Poland during World War II, Polish-Soviet relations, Polish military operations, and the formation of the Polish army in the Soviet Union.

Bacon (Walter M.) typescript

Relates to the career of Nicolae Titulescu, Romanian minister of foreign affairs and minister of finance between 1932 and 1936. Includes clippings and photocopies of diplomatic correspondence, 1925-1972, used as research material. Ph.D. dissertation. Photocopy.

Bade (Wilfrid) papers

Manuscripts of writings, correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, and photographs, relating to dissemination of German propaganda during World War II.

Baehr (Carl Adolph) collection

Typescript essay by the German political journalist Arnold Rechberg, analyzing the course of German history from 1918 to 1945; photographs, postcards and pictorial booklets, depicting Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders; and Nazi miscellanea.

Baez (Albert V.) papers

Correspondence, minutes, reports, studies, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to international efforts to promote conservation and public awareness regarding conservation.

Bagby (Carroll A.) papers

Orders and personnel records relating to the military career of C. A. Bagby. Includes photocopy of a diary relating to American intervention in Mexico in 1916.

Bagg (Mrs L. L. S.) collection

Newspaper and magazine clippings, maps, ration books, currency, photographs, and memorabilia, relating primarily to Italy in World War I.

Bagley (Charles Rutherford) papers

Mimeographed copies of a series of letters to the editor by C. R. Bagley, published in various newspapers and journals, advocating American support for the Free French and intervention in World War II; and letters in response from readers.

Bail (Hamilton Vaughan) typescript

Prepared in the Historical Section, Army War College. Relates to organizational and operational aspects of American military administration of Cuba.

Bailey (H. S.) memorandum

Relates to the meeting of the Soap Committee on July 30, 1918, regarding wartime regulation of the soap industry.

Bailey (Harry Lewis) etchings and sketches

Depicts shipbuilding and dockside scenes.

Bailey (Thomas Andrew) and Paul B. Ryan collection

Correspondence, notes, photocopies of government documents, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915, and to the undeclared American-German naval war, 1939-1941. Collected by T. A. Bailey and Paul B. Ryan. Includes some papers of...

Bailie (J. A.) collection

Manuals, interview transcripts, and printed matter, relating to the development of submarine-based fleet ballistic missiles by the United States Navy.

Baird (Jay W.) papers

Printed article (in German) by J. W. Baird, relating to the political testament of the German Nazi leader Julius Streicher; typescript translation of the article; sound recording of an interview of Captain John Dolibois, American military interrogator of Streicher at...

Baital'skii (Mikhail D.) memoirs

Relates to Russian communist party life and activities of left oppositionists during the 1920s, subsequent changes in Soviet society, and conditions in the Vorkuta forced labor camp.

Baker (Charles Duane) speeches

Relates to the American transportation industry and government regulation of it.

Baker (Elizabeth N.) miscellaneous papers

Leaflets, bulletins, correspondence, and clippings, relating to American politics and government, and conservative, anti-communist, and pacifist political groups in the United States.

Baker (George B.) papers

Correspondence, photographs, and printed matter, relating to the American Relief Administration; Commission for Relief in Belgium; Paris Peace Conference; American presidential politics and the 1924, 1928, and 1932 presidential campaigns; Calvin Coolidge; Herbert Hoover; the Republican Party; and the foreign...

Baker (Lillian) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, legal briefs, court and Congressional hearing testimony, photocopies of World War II-era United States government records, and printed matter, relating to the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, and to subsequent proposals for reparations...

Baker (O. E.) mimeograph

This collection contains a mimeograph about land utilization in China circa 1920-1930....

Baker (Wilder DuPuy) papers

Orders, clippings, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to American naval operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II, and to the San Diego Naval Base.

Bakhtadze (Erastii Efremovich) papers

Autobiography, correspondence, personal and official documents, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the history of the Georgian revolutionary movement, and to conditions in Soviet Georgia.

Baldizon Aviles (Alvaro Jose) miscellaneous papers

Summary of debriefing by United States government officals, interview, press releases, and correspondence, relating to human rights violations in Nicaragua, presence of Cuban advisers in Nicaragua, and allegations of Nicaraguan government involvement in narcotics trafficking. Photocopy.

Baldwin (Norman Lee) diary

Relates to American military activities and communications in the vicinity of Paestum, Italy. Includes a memoir by Colonel J. M. Huddleston, surgeon, United States VI Army Corps.

Balk (A.) typescript

Relates to events in St. Petersburg during the February Revolution of 1917. Also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Balkan Institute records

Correspondence, reports, press releases, clippings, electronic bulletins, and other printed matter, relating to political conditions in the Balkans and especially in the Yugoslav successor states, the Yugoslav civil war, United Nations intervention in Bosnia, American foreign policy in the region,...

Ballantine (Joseph W.) papers

Memoirs, notes, reports, articles, and printed matter, relating to American foreign policy in East Asia, and to the foreign policy views of Owen Lattimore.

Bal'termants (D.) photographs

Depicts Soviet leaders.

Balykov (V. P.) speech

Calls for patriotic unity among Russians in the struggle against bolshevism in Russia.

Banam (A.) collection

Printed copy of treaty between the head of the autonomous government of Azerbaijan and the commander-in-cheif of the Tabriz garrison, 12 December 1945.

Bancroft Library. Regional Oral History Office interview transcripts

Photocopied transcripts of interviews of California state government officials, politicians, and political observers, relating to Ronald Reagan and California state politics and government during his gubernatorial administration (1967-1974). Interviews conducted by the Regional Oral History Office. Includes some background material...

Bandini (Franco) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, and printed matter, relating to aspects of twentieth-century Italian history, especially fascism and Italian participation in World War II.

Bane (Suda Lorena) galley proofs

Relates to World War I relief activities of the American Relief Administration and United States Food Administration. Edited by S. L. Bane and Ralph Haswell Lutz. Published (Stanford, 1943). Includes annotations.

Banque de France typescript and printed report

Relates to the activities of the Bank of France in 1937.

Baraka (Imamu Amiri) speech

Delivered at a meeting at the University of Cincinnati sponsored by its United Black Association.

Baranovich (M.) papers

Writings, letters, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian samizdat literature, and to the Russian writers Boris Pasternak and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Barantseff (George E.) collection

Printed matter, photographs, memorabilia, and miscellany, relating to aspects of Russian imperial, military and émigré history.

Baratov (N. N.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, diaries, reports, military documents, maps, clippings, and printed matter relating to Russian military activities in Persia and the Caucasus during World War I, and to the Russian Revolution. Digital copies of select records also available at

Barbe (Angelika) writings

Journal articles, and a radio address, relating to German politics and the legacy of the East German state.

Barbe (Henri) typescript

Relates to the French communist movement.

Barber (Alvin B.) papers

Correspondence, reports, and memoranda, relating to Polish railways, coal, oil, and timber resources, Danzig, and Upper Silesia.

Barbie (Klaus) pre-trial records

Trial instruction, including depositions and exhibits, in the case of Klaus Barbie before the Tribunal de grande instance de Lyon, relating to German war crimes in France during World War II. Photocopy.

Barbour (George B.) papers

Correspondence, photographs, post cards, drawings, and a film relating to political and social conditions in China, missionary service in China, and university education in China.

Barcza Nagyalasonyi (Gyorgy) papers

Relates to Hungarian foreign relations, especially with the Vatican and Great Britain, the Hungarian entry into World War II, Hungarian diplomacy during the war, and secret negotiations between Hungary and the Allied Powers in Switzerland, 1943-1945. Also available on microfilm...

Bardin (William) collection

Mourning badge commemorating the death of Abraham Lincoln, 1865; issue of the American Union, August 25, 1865; issue of the New York Herald, April 15, 1865; 1899 soldier's letter from the Philippines, 1899; World War I Liberty Loan poster; and...

Bargatzky (Walter) typescript

Relates to the plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler.

Bark (Dennis L.) papers

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, reports, meeting materials, and printed matter, relating to activities of the United States Institute of Peace to promote international peace, to political conditions in Europe and especially in Germany, and to American-European relations.

Barker (Burt Brown) papers

Correspondence, phonotapes, and school catalogs, relating to Herbert Hoover's youth, early schooling, and mining career in Australia. Includes correspondence between Herbert Hoover and B. B. Barker.

Barnes (Grant) collection

Government, industry and labor publications, serial issues, newsletters, bulletins, clippings, other printed matter, statistical data, and notes, relating to social policy and labor policy in post-industrial society, and especially in Sweden.

Barnes (John W.) memoirs

Relates to various aspects of American military activities, and especially to military operations in Vietnam from 1967 to 1969, and to American military assistance to Taiwan. Photocopy.

Barnett (Frank R.) miscellaneous papers

Speeches and writings, memoranda, letters, and photographs, relating to Soviet-American relations, American foreign policy and military policy, national security, psychological warfare operations, and activities of the National Strategy Information Center.

Barnhart (Edward N.) papers

Correspondence, reports, writings, and research notes, relating to U.S. Army internal security measures during World War II directed against U.S. citizens of Japanese, Italian and German extraction. Used as research material for the book by E. N. Barnhart and Jacobus...

Barrett (David D.) papers

Manuscripts of writings, correspondence, printed matter, photographs, and phonorecords, relating to the Dixie Mission and the military situation in China during World War II. Includes a coat worn in China by Colonel Barrett.

Barrett (William S.) typescript

Relates to the American intervention in Siberia during the Russian Revolution.

Barringer (Thomas C.) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, photographs, and clippings, relating to relief operations of the American Relief Administration in two famine areas in Russia.

Barron (John) papers

Correspondence, reports, notes, speeches and writings, and photographs, relating to Morris Childs, Federal Bureau of Investigation informant within the Communist Party of the United States; Federal Bureau of Investigation surveillance of the Communist Party; and the relationship between the Communist...

Barrows (Leland) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, studies, reports, memoranda, and printed matter relating to American foreign relations with South Vietnam and with Africa, especially Cameroon, Nigeria and South Africa; and to American government policy, especially as reflected in activities of the Agency...

Barskii (Konstantin P.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to the Russian émigré organizations Predstavitel'stvo Rossiiskikh 'Emigrantov v Amerike and Rossiiskoe Obshche-natsional'noe Ob"edinenie v San Frantsisko.

Barstow (Dorothy) papers

Diaries, correspondence, legal documents, and photographs, relating to social conditions in Great Britain and the United States.

Bartlett (Frederick E.) collection

Proclamations posted by German occupation authorities in Habay-la-Neuve, Belgium, during World War II; miscellaneous correspondence from Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei personnel records; and American military and Belgian serial issues relating to the end of World War II.

Bartley (Robert L.) papers

Correspondence, writings, and printed matter relating to political and economic conditions in the United States, international relations, international economic conditions, and the publication of the .

Bartley (William Warren) miscellaneous papers

Drafts, galleys, proofs, memoranda, and correspondence related to production of the first volume of the collected works of the Austrian economist Friedrich A. von Hayek, (London, 1988), edited by William W. Bartley; and sound recordings of speeches and lectures by...

Bartok (Laszlo) memoir

Relates to Hungarian diplomacy, Hungarian-German relations, and conditions in Croatia during World War II; and to Hungarian diplomacy, Hungarian-Soviet relations, and conditions in Austria in the immediate postwar period. Includes a synopsis in English and the passport of L. Bartók.

Barton (Alexander Monro) papers

Writings, letters, clippings, and miscellany, relating to conditions in Transcaucasia and Turkey after the end of World War I; and to the death of Major Robert Whitney Imbrie, American vice consul in Teheran, at the hands of a mob in...

Barton (B. D.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, and draft declarations, relating to the movement for cooperation among the North Atlantic Treaty Organization signatories, the first Declaration of Atlantic Unity (1954) and its successors, and the establishment of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and...

Bartram (Carl) photograph collection

Depicts United States Office of Strategic Services headquarters in England and related scenes of Anglo-American clandestine activities during World War II.

Bashein (Meyer David) letters

Relates to relief work by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Germany after World War II.

Bashkir subject collection

Circulated documents, newspaper issues, electronic bulletins, and other printed matter, relating to political developments in Bashkortostan in the post-Soviet era.

Bashkirov (Vladimir Nikolaevich) papers

Collection consists of correspondence, reports, and financial records, relating to Russian-American trade, and to Russian procurement of supplies in the United States during World War I and the Russian Civil War.

Basily-Callimaki (Mme. E.) papers

The collection contains materials relating to French and Western European art history, and to Jean Baptiste Isabey, the French miniaturist, in correspondence, writings, notes, clippings, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia. Includes a draft of the biography of Isabey by E....

Bass (Walter R.) collection

Relates to the German Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei. Includes a weekly menu card for a German heavy anti-aircraft (reserve unit), 1945, the program of the Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, 1920, and an autographed photograph of Rudolf Hess.

Basset (Richard) diaries

Relates to German naval operations during World War I.

Bastin (Catherine Sylvia) papers

Correspondence, pamphlets, clippings, medals, badges, and photographs, relating to Red Cross work during World War I.

Bastunov (Vladimir J.) collection

Imperial orders, military orders, personnel rosters, and casualty reports, relating to the operations of the Russian Imperial Army and its personnel.

Batchelder (George) typescript

Relates to conditions in Germany at the outbreak of World War I.

Bateman (Kenneth A.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, bulletins, and printed matter, relating to educational administration in Germany under Allied occupation, and to subsequent educational policy in West Germany.

Bates (John L.) collection

Pamphlets, bulletins, reminiscences, and photographs, relating to various units of the Russian Imperial army and to various Russian Imperial cadet schools. Includes photograph albums of Captain V. I. Granberg, Imperial Russian army. Also includes a volume of typewritten transcribed letters...

Bates (Margaret Pardee) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, and printed matter, relating to activities of the California State Board of Education and to various aspects of education in California.

Batiushin (N. S.) typescript

Relates to Grigorii Rasputin.

Batsell (Walter Russell) typescript

Relates to political conditions in the Soviet Union, and to Soviet foreign policy.

Batt (George K.) papers

Correspondence, speeches, studies, press releases, clippings, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to economic and labor policy in the United States during World War II, and to Republican Party politics at both the national and New Jersey state levels.

Battalion that would not disband: story of the 317th Field Signal Battalion mimeograph

Relates to the activities of the 317th Field Signal Battalion of the United States Army in France during World War I, and to reunions of veterans of the battalion.

Baudouin (Paul) typescript

Relates to the book by Albert Kammerer, (Paris, 1944), on the French surrender in 1940.

Baumer (Gertrud) typescript

Relates to allegations that Gertrud Bäumer had engaged in pro-Nazi activities.

Baumer (William Henry) papers

Diary, memoirs, correspondence, orders, memoranda, reports, and printed matter relating to Allied strategic planning during World War II, especially for the Normandy landings of 1944, wartime diplomacy and Allied conferences, and the Paris Peace Conference. Digital copies of select records...

Baxter (Robert I.) collection

Hand-drawn map, representing the region around Archangel, Russia, indicating the route followed by a military expedition from Tiagra to Archangel, August-September 1918.

Bay Area Socialist Organizing Committee records

Minutes, discussion papers, and internal circulated documents, relating to communist political thought and activities in the United States.

Bayen (Malaku E.) letter fragment

Relates to the history of Ethiopia. Includes an issue of The Voice of Ethiopia (New York), organ of the Ethiopian World Federation, for September 14, 1940.

Bayne (Joseph Breckinridge) papers

Clippings, other printed matter, photocopies of letters, certificates, and photographs, relating to military and civilian hospitals in Romania during World War I and to postwar conditions in Romania.

Bazarevich (Vladimir I.) papers

Correspondence and orders, relating to White Russian military activities in Gallipoli, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia.

Bazarov (Pavel A.) papers

Reports, orders, field maps, correspondence, and clippings, relating to the Russo-Japanese War.

Bazhenova (Taisiia Anatol'evna) papers

Correspondence, writings, clippings, and photographs, relating to Russian literature and Russian émigré affairs.

Bazili (Nikolai Aleksandrovich) papers

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, reports, notes, photographs, memorabilia, and artwork relating to Russian political and foreign affairs (1900-1917), Russian involvement in World War I, the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, and Soviet economics and politics....

BBC World Service radio broadcast recordings

Sound recordings of radio broadcasts to the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia and to Vietnam. Includes radio scripts, correspondence and background newspaper clippings.

Beach (Edward L.) typescript

Relates to American naval operations, including the battle of Manila Bay in 1898; American intervention in Mexico (1914), Haiti (1915), and the Dominican Republic (1916); and operations in the Atlantic Ocean during World War I. Also includes translations of letters...

Beadle (J. Gerald Hyde) diaries

A British merchant seaman and private, the J. Gerald Hyde Beadle diaries relate to British military operations in Turkey and the Middle East during World War I, including the battle of Gallipoli.

Beal (Thaddeus R.) memoir

Relates to American military policy, 1969-1971. Photocopy.

Beane (James B.) interview

Relates to flight training in the United States, American bombing operations in the Mediterranean Theater, and conditions of American prisoners of war in Romanian prison camps, during World War II. Typed transcript.

Beatty (Alfred Chester, Sir) correspondence

Relates mainly to copper mining activities of the Kyshtim Corporation in the Ural region of Russia. Photocopy.

Beaumont (Arthur) papers

Arthur Beaumont was a Lieutnane in the United States Naval Reserve and official artist of the United States Fleet. During World War II, he was a war artist and documented naval battles. The collection includes documents, photographs, and artwork.

Beaumont (Henry G.) collection

Affidavits, speeches, biographical data, clippings, and memorabilia, relating to the trial of Japanese political and military leaders for war crimes in Tokyo, 1946-1948. Includes the opening speech of the prosecution, and affidavits of the defendants Hideki Tojo and Hiroshi Oshima.

Bechtel (Julius) correspondence

Relates to German military operations during World War I.

Becker (Gwen) collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, and campaign literature, distributed in Bavaria by various political parties and other political groups, relating to elections and other political issues in Bavaria.

Becker (Hans-Joachim) memoir

Relates to German military activities in France, 1943-1945, and to conditions of German prisoners of war in American prison camps, 1945-1946.

Becker (Willi) papers

Letters, diaries, postcards, and photographs, relating to German military operations during World War I and to conditions in British prison camps. Includes some World War II photographs.

Becket (Elise G.) papers

Correspondence, reports, studies, testimony, statements, clippings, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to the military junta governing Greece, 1967-1974, to relations between Greece and the United States during that period, and especially to political prisoners, the employment of torture,...

Beckwith (Burnham Putnam) typescript

Relates to the development of the socialist convictions and economic theories of B. P. Beckwith, his personal life, and the genealogy of the Beckwith family. Includes handwritten annotations, some original typescript pages, copies of selected journal articles by B. P....

Bedford (Hastings William Sackville Russell, Duke of)

Pamphlets by the Duke of Bedford, 1942-1952, and correspondence between the Duke of Bedford and Louis Obed Renne, 1948-1952, relating to pacifism and military disarmament.

Bednarski (Wincenty) paintings

Nine paintings, including eight portraits of the Soviet leader V. I. Lenin.

Bednarz (Dan) typescript

Relates to East Germany and to the unification of Germany.

Bednarz (Ludwik) papers

Autobiography, other writings, printed matter, identification papers, certificates, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to the oil and gas industries in Poland and to the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.

Beer (Alice Baldwin) collection

Proclamations, leaflets, flyers, clippings, and letters, relating to the Spanish Civil War, especially in Catalonia, and to American public opinion regarding the war. Includes letters by Margaret Palmer, an American visitor to Spain, 1937.

Beer (F. F.) collection

Sketchbook of drawings of inmates and scenes at the Ruhleben prison camp, Germany, which housed British civilians interned in Germany during World War I. Drawn by various prisoners of the camp. Digital copy also available at

Bees of America miscellaneous records

Correspondence, photographs, and miscellany relating to the provision of relief for Belgian children during World War I.

Befu (Harumi) papers

Harumi Befu joined Stanford's faculty in 1965 and played a pioneering role in establishing Japanese studies at the university. The collection is composed of Befu's family's Japanese American WWII incarceration camp material and prewar Japanese postcards.

Beggs (James Montgomery) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, notes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to transportation in the United States, space exploration, community development, and the Consolidated Rail Corporation.

Behnke (Albert Richard) papers

Reports, correspondence, memoranda, statistics, writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to naval medical research, especially with regard to nutrition and effects of severe malnourishment; public health administration by Allied occupation authorities in post-World War II Germany; and extent of malnourishment...

Behr (Robert McLean) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, travel and conference schedules, writings, notes, appointment books, and printed matter, relating to American defense policy during the presidential administrations of Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford.

Behrendt (Hans-Otto) typescript

Relates to terms of capitulation of German forces in Austria. Includes photocopy of annotated draft capitulation document.

Behrendt (Karl-Otto) writings

Memoir and speech, relating to German prisoners of war in the Soviet Union after World War II.

Behrens (Earl C.) typescript

Relates to California politics in the twentieth century. Photocopy.

Beichman (Arnold) papers

The papers are comprised of writings, correspondence, and research materials relating to Arnold Beichman's career as a political journalist and author. The collection contains numerous articles and columns published in , as well as drafts of several books written by...

Bekeart (Laura H.) typescript

Relates to operations of the American Relief Administration in Russia.

Belarus newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Belarus newspaper collection (1921-2001) comprises ten different titles of publication, in both Estonian and Russian. All of the titles...

Belarusian subject collection

Pamphlets, serial issues, flyers, leaflets, election campaign literature, and other printed matter relating to various aspects of Belarusian history, and to political conditions and elections in Belarus following establishment of its independence.

Belaruski narodny front adradzhen'ne issuances

Programmatic statements, serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, and election campaign literature, relating to political conditions in Belarus.

Belchenko (Andrei T.) papers

Russian consular official; consul general, Hankow, China, 1915-1920; subsequently Portuguese consul general, Hankow, and émigré in the United States. The collection includes diaries, speeches and writings, correspondence, consular reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian and Portuguese relations with...

Belden (Jack) papers

Correspondence, news dispatches, and other writings, relating primarily to the Sino-Japanese War, American military operations in North Africa, France, Belgium and Germany, the occupation of Germany, and the publication of China Shakes the World. Includes correspondence with Agnes Smedley.

Belenkiys-Serebro family papers

Professor Moisei Belenkiy was a military doctor during WWI and later professor. His wife Lidiya Landesman-Belenkaya was a psychology professor. Their daughter Lidiya Belenkaya-Serebro was a chemist, her husband Vladimir Serebro was an engineer. The Belenkiys-Serebro family papers (1854-2017) include...

Belgian subject collection

Clippings, newspaper issues, pamphlets, leaflets, reports, cartoons, and photographs, relating to miscellaneous aspects of twentieth-century Belgian history, and especially to the destruction of the Library of the Universite catholique de Louvain during World War I and its subsequent reconstruction.

Belgium. Cour de cassation letter

Relates to Belgians transported to Germany for forced labor during World War II.

Belgium newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Belgium newspaper collection (1914-1991) comprises one-hundred and fifty different titles of publication, in French, Dutch (Flemish), and German. All...

Belgium (Territory under German occupation, 1914-1918) issuances

Public proclamations and announcements issued by the German military government in Belgium, arranged and numbered as they appear in Les Avis, Proclamations et Nouvelles de Guerre Allemandes, Affichés � Bruxelles pendant l'Occupation (Ixelles-Bruxelles: Les Editions Brian Hill, 1915-1918). Includes some...

Belgium (Territory under German occupation, 1940-1944) Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und in Nordfrankreich. Propaganda-Abteilung Belgien records

Correspondence, memoranda, and photographs, relating to propaganda activities. Includes examples of German and Allied propaganda distributed in Belgium and of clandestine anti-German propaganda produced in Belgium.

Belgium (Territory under German Occupation, 1940-1944) Wirtschaftsministerium typescript

Relates to the economic situation in Belgium during World War II.

Belkin (Aaron) collection

Laws, decrees, and summaries of news stories and news broadcasts, relating to the defense policy of Georgia, its foreign relations, and separatist movements.

Bell (James F.) papers

Correspondence, diaries, reports, financial statements, and photographs, relating to the U.S. Food Administration and the 1928 Herbert Hoover political campaign in Minnesota. Correspondents include Herbert Hoover and Rudolph Lee.

Bell (Johannes) memorandum

Relates to the participation of the German delegation in the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Translated by Alma Luckau.

Bell (Lillian) slide collection

Depicts miscellaneous scenes from World War I.

Bell (Russell W.) papers

Letters, reports, and miscellany, relating to food relief operations by the American Relief Administration in Hungary.

Bell (Susan G.) correspondence

Relates to social conditions in Czechoslovakia. Correspondence primarily with a friend in Czechoslovakia, Julius Freundlich.

Bellantoni (Natale) papers

Writings, correspondence, printed matter, sketches, paintings, photographs, other audiovisual material, and memorabilia, relating to American military construction activities in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

Bellquist (Eric C.) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, writings, press releases, printed matter, and audiovisual material, relating to American propaganda activities during and after World War II; postwar American foreign policy, especially in Scandinavia; political conditions in the United States, Sweden, and elsewhere in Europe;...

Belmont (Alan H.) typescript

Relates to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Photocopy.

Belodubrovskii (Evgenii) collection

Proclamations, leaflets, and miscellany, relating to cultural events in St. Petersburg.

Belorussian Liberation Front publications

Brochures and printed matter, relating to Belarusian history, nationalism, and cartography.

Belorusskiĭ kongress demokraticheskikh profsoiuzov records

The collection is comprised of correspondence, statements, other issuances, internal documents, and printed matter, relating to trade union organization and political conditions in Belarus. Includes records of other Belarusian trade union organizations.

Beltrami (Giuliana) papers

Biographical sketches, interview transcripts and summaries, other writings, letters, certificates, notes, and printed matter, relating to activities of Italian women in the resistance movement in German-occupied Italy during World War II. Includes a memoir by G. Beltrami, "The Captain." In...

Bemerkungen zur Frage des Gliederung der deutschen Wirtschaft : typescript

Relates to economic conditions in Germany and proposals for the creation of a Ministry of Food.

Bena (Kamil) papers

Kamil Bena (1929-2019) was a Czech exile who worked for Radio Free Europe and was an active participant in many Czech émigré organizations. The collection includes correspondence, printed materials, office files, and assorted papers pertaining to the activities of various...

Bendetsen (Karl R.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, speeches, studies, interview transcripts, minutes, statements, orders, printed matter, scrapbooks, and audiovisual materials relating to the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, American military organization and military policy during World War II and the Korean...

Benedet (Javier) papers

The Javier Benedet papers contain significant materials relating to the Spanish Civil War and to fundraising efforts in Northern California on behalf of the Republican side in that conflict. The papers also provide documentation on the plight of Republican refugees...

Benemelis (Juan F.) typescript

Relates to Cuban foreign policy in Africa. Portuguese and Spanish versions published as Castro: Subversão e Terrorismo em Africa (Lisbon, 1986), and Castro, Subversión y Terrorismo en Africa (Madrid, 1988), respectively.

Benes (Edvard) speech

Relates to Soviet-Czechoslovak foreign relations.

Benford (Robert Joseph) papers

Reports, biographical data, clippings, and photographs relating to post-war American collection and analysis of German medical research during World War II, and to German war crimes.

Benin subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, reports, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Benin.

Benitez (Jose Conrado) typescript

Relates to activities of the Philippine Ministry of Human Settlements and its predecessor organizations in promoting community development in the Philippines through education and other human resources development programs. Photocopy.

Benjamin (Alfred) typescript

Relates to the foreign policy of the Russian provisional government, March-May 1917. Political science thesis, Columbia University.

Bennett (A. E.) collection

Letters, clippings, leaflets, pamphlets, serial issues, and ephemeral printed matter, issued by conservative and anti-communist organizations in the United States, relating to international communism and communism in the United States.

Bennett (H. C.) letter excerpts

Relates to conditions in Germany under national socialism.

Bennett (John J.) papers

Studies, reports, speeches and writings, memoranda, and press releases, relating to management and procurement programs in the United States armed forces.

Bennett (Milly) papers

Memoirs, news dispatches, other writings, correspondence, clippings, and photographs relating to political conditions in China, social conditions in the Soviet Union, the Spanish Civil War, and journalism in the United States.

Bennett (Paul G.) miscellaneous papers

Letters, cartoons, and newspaper clippings, relating to Panamanian-American relations in 1968.

Bennett (William John) speeches and writings

Relates primarily to education in the United States.

Bennigsen (Graf Adam Pavlovich) papers

Diary extracts, letters, and poems, relating to Russian military activities during World War I, and to activities of the White Army of General Denikin during the Russian Civil War. Includes an account of the February l917 Revolution by Grafinia Bennigsen.

Benoist-Mechin (Jacques) papers

Acquired in 2007, the Jacques Benoist-Méchin Papers represent a significant addition to the existing holdings in the Hoover Institution Library & Archives relating to the collaborationist Vichy government in France during World War II. Although the papers are only part...

Bensin (Basil M.) papers

Speeches and writings, biographical data, and photographs, relating to agriculture, especially in northern climates, and to Russian émigré affairs.

Berbig (Reinhard) memoirs

Relates to the Eastern Front during World War II, 1941, and to Russian prisoner of war camps, 1945-1953

Bereczky (Dr.) sound recording

Radio broadcast denouncing Soviet communism.

Beresney (Timothy A.) papers

Correspondence, writings, and printed matter, relating to Russian émigré affairs.

Berezhkov (V. M.) interview

Sound recordings of interview, relating to Joseph Stalin, and especially to his conduct of Soviet diplomacy with the Allied Powers during World War II. Interview conducted by Ed Cray.

Berezin (IAkov Davidovich) papers

Correspondence, notes, personnel records, trial records, printed matter, personal documents, and photographs relating to the Soviet secret police and to Soviet purge trials of the 1930s.

Bergas (Hanna) papers

Memoirs, letters, translation, and photographs relating to Jewish refugees in Great Britain during the Nazi era, and especially to schools for refugees.

Berger Gould (Benina) processed volume

Relates to the Berlin crisis of 1961.

Berger (Y.) typescript

Relates to activities of the West Indian pan-Africanist leader George Padmore in the Communist International. Includes translation. Photocopy.

Bergery (Gaston) papers

Correspondence, telegrams, reports, memoranda, lists, speeches and writings, and leaflets relating to French political events and foreign relations, France during World War II, and the Front Populaire.

Bergin (Caitlin) interviews

Sound recordings of interviews of Polish Solidarność leaders relating to the Solidarność movement.

Bergson (Abram) mimeograph : Disposition of the gross national product of the USSR in 1937, 1940 and 1948

Relates to the allocation of Soviet economic resources. Written by A. Bergson and Hans Heymann, Jr., under the auspices of the Rand Corporation.

Bergstrom (Georgia Synder) papers

Photographs, postcards, and miscellany relating to conditions in Europe.

Bericht uber die kirchliche Lage in der Erzdiozese Salzburg seit Marz 1938 typescript

Relates to the situation of the church in the Archdiocese of Salzburg between 1938 and 1945.

Beringer (Robin Marie) typescript

Relates to women in the American armed forces during World War II. Ph.D. dissertation, California School of Professional Psychology at Alameda. Includes transcripts of interviews of women veterans upon which the dissertation was based.

Berk (Stephen M.) typescript

Relates to activities of anti-Bolshevik forces in Siberia during the period October 1917 to November 1918.

Berlin : Checkpoint Charlie, 1946-1989 : photographic portfolio

Depicts significant moments in the history of the Berlin Wall.

Berlin Document Center computer printout

Alphabetical listing of members of the Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei residing outside Germany, including name, place and date of birth, membership number, date of membership, and code for country of residence. Includes key to country of residence code.

Berliner Schriftleitung miscellaneous records

Memoranda and summaries of news stories and editorials relating to international politics.

Berling (Zygmunt) papers

Correspondence, memoirs, other writings, reports, government documents, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Polish military operations before and during World War II, and especially to Polish armed forces operating from and in cooperation with the Soviet Union. Includes some collected...

Berlon (Lieutenant-Colonel) report

Relates to conditions at the German prison camp Oflag G.X.B. during World War II

Berman (Geoffrey) collection

Syllabus for United States Army Air Forces aviation cadet training, 1943, and a letter and order relating to American aerial operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II, 1945.

Berman (Jakub) papers

Memoirs, other speeches and writings, notes, correspondence, and photographs relating to the Polish communist movement and to post-World War II political conditions in Poland.

Bermudez Varela (Enrique) papers

Reports, memoranda, clippings, and other printed matter relating to political conditions and civil war in Nicaragua.

Bernardino (Vitaliano) papers

Writings and printed matter, relating to education in Southeast Asia.

Bernatskii (Mikhail V.) miscellany

Summary: Reports, correspondence, and statistics, relating to the financing of the Russian war effort during World War I.

Berndt (Alfred Ingemar) report

Relates to proposals for administration of the World War II German propaganda effort. Photocopy.

Berney (Mary Gillick) papers

Letters from relatives in Ireland and miscellanea, relating to social conditions in Ireland and Irish emigration to the United States.

Bernfeld (Siegfried) journals

Literary journals of German and Austrian secondary schools.

Bernstam (Mikhail S.) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, printed matter, memorabilia, and photographs relating to political and economic conditions in Russia. Includes letters by Aleksandr Solzhenit͡syn.

Bernstein (Joel) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, directives, minutes, and printed matter, relating to American economic and technical assistance, the role of science and technology in underdeveloped countries, and world food supply and needs.

Bernstein (Michel) collection

Correspondence, notes, and transcripts of writings relating to Russian émigrés in Europe and Argentina, activities of Russian revolutionaries abroad and in Russia before 1917, and the Russian Revolution. Includes correspondence between Nikolaĭ Kostet͡skiĭ and Raissa Plaksit͡skai͡a, 1908-1916.

Berry (Robert W.) papers

Memoirs, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to American naval operations in World Wars I and II, and to the administration of the United States Department of Defense under Secretary of Defense James Forrestal.

Bershad (Laurence) papers

Laurence Bershad was a WWII veteran and served as a radar officer on the USS New Jersey. The collection includes a campaign album, press releases, and photographs.

Berthelot (Henri Mathias) typescript

Relates to French military activities during World War I, and to French military missions to Romania and the United States. Photocopy.

Berzins (Alfreds) memoirs

Relates to Latvian politics, 1934-1940. Photocopy.

Besedovskii (Grigorii Zinov'evich) articles

Series of printed articles published in (Paris) relating to Soviet diplomacy and the Communist International.

Better Homes in America records

Correspondence, press releases, expense statements, clippings, pamphlets, and photographs, relating to home ownership in the United States. Includes correspondence of Herbert Hoover as president, and Marie M. Meloney as organizer, of the association.

Bevc (Ladislav) papers

Writings, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to conditions in Slovenia during World War II, communism in Slovenia, conditions of Slovenes in postwar displaced persons camps, status of the Slovene minority in Austria, the Slovenske Demokratske Stranke, and Slovene émigré politics....

Bewick, Moreing and Company miscellaneous records

Letters, telegrams, and memoranda, relating to mining and oil production operations in Australia, Burma, Russia and elsewhere, and to the service of Herbert Hoover as a director of the company. Includes letters to and from Herbert Hoover.

Bewley (Edward Nelson) letters

Relates to military life on air bases in the United States and the Philippine Islands during World War II. Includes later letters to his mother from fellow officers, relating to their memories of E. N. Bewley as a prisoner in...

Beyer (Eduard) collection

Telegrams from the Eastern front, relating to Austrian forces during World War I, 1914; and photographs depicting Emperor Charles of Austria reviewing troops on the Eastern front, 1917.

Beyers (Robert West) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, press releases, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to work of the Council of Federated Organizations (composed of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and other organizations) in carrying out a voter registration drive among black citizens...

Bezeau (Lawrence M.) papers

Studies and working materials, relating to the relationship between school enrollment and economic development. Includes a thesis by Fatt Ping Lee, and writings by Alexander L. Peaslee.

Biafra Students Association in the Americas sound recording

Includes the national anthem and other songs of Biafra, and a speech by Colonel Odumegwu Ojukwu, head of state of Biafra, in 1967.

Bibliography of the most important works on Polish law : typescript

This collection contains a typescript of a bibliography works on Polish law....

Bibliotheque Grimmon catalog

Lists books, ephemera, and maps relating to World War I.

Bickler (Frau Hermann) statement

Relates to the activities of Frau Bickler and her husband in the movement to return Alsace-Lorraine to Germany before and during World War II.

Bidegary (Jimmie R.) papers

Personnel orders, and Japanese and American propaganda flyers, leaflets and proclamations, relating to propaganda activities during World War II.

Bidou (Henry) typescript

Relates to the German invasion of France, and French capitulation, 1940.

Bielecki (Jan Krzysztof) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, invitations, notes, and programs, relating to political conditions in Poland.

Bielevskii, Lieutenant collection

Military reports and memoranda, relating to the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, and to disintegration of discipline in the Russian Army during the Russian Revolution.

Bien (George Zoltan) processed volume

Relates to conditions in forced labor camps in the Soviet Union, and to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Includes photocopies of related certificates and photographs.

Bienen (Henry) papers

Drafts of an unpublished chapter of a book, minutes of meetings, reports, pamphlets, and newspaper clippings, relating to Tanzanian political development.

Bijak (Juliusz) typescript

Relates to the Polish-Ukrainian war of 1918-1919.

Bilderback (William Winch) typescript

Relates to the response of the American Communist Party to World War II. Photocopy.

Bilderkatalog der H. B. H. Gemalde und Andenkensammlung aus dem personlichen Besitz und teilweise selbstangefertigt von Adolf Hitler : typescript

Catalog of selected paintings, drawings, and letters by Adolf Hitler, and of items of memorabilia once in the possession of Hitler. Includes photographic reproductions of the items cataloged.

Billik (Vladimir Isaakovich) correspondence

Relates to Soviet economic policy from 1917 to 1921, during the period of the Russian Revolution.

Billings (Bruce Hadley) mimeograph

The collection contains maps, photographs, illustrations, correspondence, reports, proceedings, news clippings, and printed matter relating to the role of technology in programs and projects associated with Taiwanese economic development, agriculture, optics, marine science, the selection of computer technology and industrial...

Bilmanis (Alfreds) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, and printed matter, relating to Latvian foreign relations, conditions in Latvia during and after World War II, and postwar Latvian refugees and émigré affairs.

Bilyk (Alfred Michal) papers

Biographical data, personal documents, certificates, correspondence, and photographs, relating to Polish history between World Wars I and II. Includes some later Bilyk family papers.

Binford (Thomas H) papers

Contains materials related to the Java Sea campaign and other Pacific campaigns during World War II, Japanese war criminals, and American attempts to prevent hostilities between China and Taiwan, including documentation such as addresses, reports, awards, printed matter, and photographs.

Birman (Igor) papers

Igor Yakovlevich Birman was a Russian-American economist who predicted in 1981 the collapse of the Soviet Union, both economically and politically. The Igor Birman papers contains correspondence, writings, interviews of and by Igor Birman, materials of the Becker Commission on...

Bisbee (Eleanor) papers

The collection relates to the history of the government of Turkey in the twentieth century, U.S.-Turkish relations, and Eleanor Bisbee's book (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1951). It consists of correspondence, drafts of writings, speeches, memoranda, notes, pamphlets, press summaries, clippings,...

Bishop (Francis W.) picture film

Depicts the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, scenes at Pavlov's research laboratories, and street scenes in Leningrad. Includes videotape cassette copy.

Bitgood (James R.) interviews

Sound recordings and transcripts of interviews of American military and naval attachés to Japan prior to World War II relating to American military assessments of Japan. Includes some correspondence. Interviews conducted by James R. Bitgood as research material for a...

Bittson (Anthony John) papers

Memoir, relating to the Russian Revolution, and set of Franklin Mint History of the United States coins, commemorating each year of America's 200-year history and minted by the Franklin Mint Company, Franklin Center, Pennsylvania.

Bizauskas (K.) memorandum

Relates to the political composition of the Lithuanian government.

Bjelajac (Slavko N.) papers

Memoirs, lectures, other writings, letters, reports, directives, clippings, and photographs, relating to military operations in Yugoslavia during World War II; the C?etnik resistance movement led by General Draz?a Mihailovic in Yugoslavia, the nature of guerrilla warfare, and counter-guerrilla operational plans...

Black (Shirley Temple) papers

Shirley Temple Black was an actress, US Ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia, and a Hoover Institution overseer. The collection consists of three 1940s-era scrapbooks primarily composed of letters and ephemera of historical interest sent to Shirley Temple from correspondents worldwide...

Blacker (Irwin R.) papers

Report, and photographs, relating to United States Army engineering construction and reconstruction work in Italy, 1943-1944. Includes photographs of war damage and of engineering work in Italy, and of American troops and airplanes in North Africa.

Blackwelder (Eliot) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, research notes, scrapbook of published writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to international affairs and cooperation, world economics, an Atlantic Union, and Herbert Hoover's opinion poll of the Stanford University faculty on foreign policy of the United States.

Blackwelder (Richard E.) clipping collection

Relates to the development of the atomic bomb.

Blagoev (Dimitur) writings

Unpublished translations by Olga Hess Gankin of two published books by D. Blagoev, Prinos kum Istoriiata na Sotsializma v Bulgariia, 1906, and Moi Vospominaniia, 1928.

Blake (Robert Pierpont) papers

Autobiographical and othe writings, correspondence, reports, maps, and miscellany, relating to conditions in Russia and especially in Georgia and elsewhere in Transcaucasia during the Russian Revolution and Civil War.

Bland (Raymond L.) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, financial records, and printed matter relating to the work of the American Relief Administration in Europe and Russia, 1919-1924, and the President's Committee on War Relief Agencies, 1941.

Blandy (Harold F.) papers

Harold Faviell Blandy (1889-1922) was an American relief worker with the American Relief Administration (ARA) in Soviet Russia during the 1921-1922 famine. The collection includes letters written by Blandy to his sister in the United States during his work with...

Blank (Patrice A.) collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, bulletins, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to twentieth century Romanian history and culture, especially in the post-World War II period, and to the Romanian émigré community in various countries.

Blankenhorn (Heber) typescript

Revision of a report made to the United States Office of Strategic Services in 1945.

Blauwvoetbond. Tak Brussel records

Correspondence, memoranda, and notices of meetings, relating to the Flemish nationalist movement in Belgium.

Blinov (Michael) papers

Memoirs, other writings, correspondence, personal documents, bulletins, newsletters, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian military history, especially during World War I and the Russian Civil War, and to Russian émigré affairs. Includes papers of individual émigrés and records of...

Bliss (Tasker H.) papers

Correspondence and memoranda, relating to the American Commission to Negotiate Peace at the Paris Peace Conference; the military, economic, and political situation in Europe following World War I; and European relief and reconstruction. Includes correspondence with Herbert Hoover.

Bloch (Louis) mimeograph

Distributed by the Division of Labor Statistics and Law Enforcement.

Blocus de l'empire britannique par la flotte aerienne allemande en 1942 printed material

Series of leaflets relating to the projected development of German air power.

Blodnieks (Adolfs) holograph

Relates to Latvian politics and to the Karlis Ulmanis coup d'état in 1934.

Blunk (Paul) mimeograph

Relates to the territorial dispute regarding the Polish Corridor. Speech delivered in Berlin, March 16, 1933.

Boardman (Roger Sherman) typescript

Relates to the Red Cross in France during World War I.

Boatner (Haydon L.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, maps, notes, photographs, and printed matter, relating to military strategy and operations in the China-Burma-India Theater, and to the United Nations prisoner of war camps during the Korean War.

Bochan (Jean) processed volume

Poems relating to Poland during World War II.

Bochroder (Claus) papers

Correspondence, and printed matter, relating to the reunification of Germany and to subsequent issues of equitable treatment of citizens. Photocopy.

Bock (Fedor von) typescript

Relates to German military operations on the western and eastern fronts during World War II. Photocopy.

Bodde (Derk) miscellaneous writings

Drafts of writings, relating to various aspects of traditional Chinese culture, including language, literature, philosophy, religion, and social thought. Photocopy.

Bodine (Thomas R.) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, memoranda, reports, newsletters, printed matter, and photographs, relating to relocation of Japanese Americans during World War II, and to the placement of Japanese-American students in colleges.

Bodisco (Vladimir) papers

Writings, correspondence, personal documents, and printed matter, relating to Russian military history, cattle-breeding, and Russian migr affairs.

Bodor (Paul) papers

Dr. Paul Bodor, born in 1907, was a Hungarian refugee who escaped with his family during the 1956 revolution. The Paul Bodor papers includes correspondence and printed matter related to his refugee status and immigration to the United States.

Bodson (Victor) typescript

Relates to the history of Luxembourg and to post-World War II reconstruction tasks in Luxembourg. Lecture delivered at the University of London.

Boehm (Dr.) report

Relates to mortality and health of the civilian population of Vienna during World War I.

Boels (Jean Frederic Amedee, Baron) holograph

Relates to the French statesman Robert Schuman.

Boetticher (Friedrich von) typescript

Excerpts from translation of speech delivered February 28, 1933, commemorating the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Field Marshal Alfred Schlieffen, German army. Translated by Major Alfred E. Dedicke, United States Army.

Bogacz (Theodore W.) writings

The Theodore W. Bogacz papers consist of writings and correspondence relating to the American academic Theodore Bogacz. The writings center on British cultural responses to World War I and include his doctoral dissertation "Sassoon and Company: Siegfrid Sassoon's Journey to...

Bogdanov (A.) writings

Relates to travels in Russia, Siberia, and Manchuria, gold-diggers in the Amur Republic of Zheltuga, and the Russian Revolution and Civil War in Siberia.

Bogoiavlensky (Nikolai) Vasil'evich correspondence

Relates to foreign relations between the United States and the Soviet Union, and to political activities of Russian immigrants in the United States.

Bohannan (Charles T. R.) papers

Correspondence, reports, writings, memoranda, manuals, minutes of meetings, printed matter, microfilm, and photographs, relating to counter-guerrilla military operations, especially in the Philippines (1947-1965), Vietnam (1961-1970), elsewhere in southeast Asia, and Colombia (1959-1960); the Allied occupation government in Japan; and communism,...

Boisot (Marcel) writings

Project proposals, conference papers, and journal articles, relating to the values of Western civilization, the contemporary intellectual climate in Europe and especially France, and the relation of these factors to the course of the Cold War. Photocopy.

Bojic (Jasmina) and Misha Milojkovic collection

Clippings, printed articles, other printed matter, and video recordings of television news relating to aspects of the history of Yugoslavia and especially to the Yugoslav War of 1991-1995.

Bok (Mariia Petrovna) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, clippings, and photographs, relating to Petr Stolypin.

Boland (Francis Halsey) miscellany

Letters, clippings, and miscellany, relating to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, and the victory over Japan in World War II. Includes a letter by MacArthur.

Bolander (Louis H.) mimeograph

Relates to naval literature.

Boldyreff (Constantin W.) papers

The collection consists of speeches and writings, correspondence, radio scripts, identification documents, biographical data, printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs relating to the settlement of displaced persons at the end of World War II, Russian émigré affairs, communism and conditions...

Boldyrev (Vasilii Grigorievich) typescript

Relates to the Russian Civil War in the Siberian Far East, activities of anti-Bolshevik forces, and Allied intervention in Siberia.

Bolen (David Benjamin) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, dispatches, memoranda, reports, clippings, and photographs, relating to American relations with South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and East Germany.

Bolivia newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Bolivia newspaper collection (1966-1992) comprises five different titles of publication, all in Spanish. All of the titles within this...

Bolivian subject collection

Clippings, pamphlets, reports, and other printed matter, relating to political conditions in Bolivia, and especially to the Bolivian revolution of 1946.

Boll (Maximilian A. W.) papers

The Maximilian A. W. Boll collection includes writings, photographs, and printed matter corresponding to his service in the United States Army during World War I.

Bolloten (Burnett) papers

Writings, correspondence, serial issues, clippings, other printed matter, and audiovisual materials, relating to political, military and international aspects of the Spanish Civil War. Includes clippings from the Spanish, French, Italian and British press arranged day-by-day, microfilm of Spanish and foreign...

Bol'she sveta : video tape

Relates to the history of the Soviet Union since 1917. Produced in the Soviet Union.

Bolshevik Leninist Party of India bulletin

Includes draft resolution by the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Leninist Party of India, relating to the political situation in India.

Bond (Marshall) diary

Relates to general description of Africa. Includes addenda entitled , by M. Bond; , by Charis Denison; , by J. H. Denison.

Bond (W. Langhorne) papers

The papers describe China during the period surrounding World War II and the Chinese Revolution. The documents, including correspondence, reports, writings, printed matter, personal documents, and photographs, contain descriptions, observations, and insights about political events in East Asia especially during...

Bondarenko (K.) papers

Writings, reports, studies, Internet printout, and printed matter, relating to political conditions and election campaigns in Ukraine.

Bonilla (Manuel G.) miscellaneous papers

Diary, letters, printed matter, and miscellany relating to the visit of an American seismological delegation to China in 1974.

Bonnet (Henri) typescript

Relates to Allied cooperation during World War II and to the prospects for a postwar international organization. Draft of pamphlet published under the auspices of the World Citizens Association.

Bonnet rouge (Paris) article proof sheets

Newspaper articles suppressed by French government censorship relating to war news and French politics.

Bookplate collection

Many autographed by famous persons. Includes many autographed American Red Cross bookplates collected by Noble E. Dawson.

Boone (Elton) D. diary transcript

Relates to American bombing operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

Boone (Turin Bradford) memoirs

Relates to conditions in Persia, and to the return journey of T. B. Boone to the United States.

Boothe (Charles B.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, and clippings relating to the involvement of C. B. Boothe, Homer Lea, and other Americans, with Sun Yat-sen and other Chinese, in schemes to overthrow the Chinese Imperial Government, 1908-1911, and to Laurence Boothe, son of C. B....

Bor (Jeno) papers

Writings, notes, correspondence, orders, printed matter, maps, and photographs, relating to Hungarian military operations during World War II.

Borden Merit Award Committee records

Correspondence, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to the selection of candidates for the Borden Merit Awards, presented by the Borden Company Foundation to scholars for excellence in publications based on research at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace.

Borden (William Liscum) papers

Correspondence, memoirs, other writings, and printed matter, relating to nuclear weapons and to the security case of J. Robert Oppenheimer.

Border States Seminar conference papers

Relates to assessment of drug abuse problems in the United States, and proposals to remedy them, especially by interdiction of drug traffic across international borders.

Borel' (Vera Alekseeva de) typescript

Relates to General Mikhail Vasil'evich Alekseev, Imperial Russian army chief of staff to the tsar, 1915-1917, and organizer of the White Russian Volunteer Army, 1918.

Boreysza (Boleslaw) papers

Personal and military documents, correspondence, and photographs relating to Polish military activities during World War II, and to Polish émigré affairs.

Borisavljevic family papers

Correspondence, clippings and other printed matter, certificates, photographs, phonotape cassettes, and memorabilia, relating to various aspects of Serbian history and the Serbian emigration, and to the history of the Borisavljevic family.

Borkowski (Lieutenant Colonel) collection

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, government documents, bulletins, speeches and writings, and maps relating to Polish-Soviet relations, Polish military personnel and civilians deported to the Soviet Union, conditions in Poland during the German and Soviet occupations in World War II, and Polish...

Bortfeldt (Heinrich) interviews

Sound recordings and transcripts of interviews of leaders of the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands and of the Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus, and of other German political and cultural figures, relating to political conditions in East Germany and in reunified Germany.

Borzov (N. V.) papers

Correspondence, writings, financial records, reports, memoranda, bulletins, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian students in China and the United States. Includes papers of other members of the Borzov family, and records of the Russkoe natsional'noe studencheskoe obschestvo.

Boskin (Michael J.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, studies, and printed matter, relating to economic conditions in the United States, and economic, finance, trade, regulatory, and environmental policy during the presidential administration of George Bush.

Bosnian subject collection

Pamphlets, serial issues, clippings, election campaign literature, other printed matter, sound recordings, and video tapes, relating to political and social conditions in Bosnia and Hercegovina, and especially to the civil war and subsequent elections in Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Bossy (Raoul) writings

Diaries and memoirs, relating to Romanian foreign relations, especially during World War II, and to postwar Romanian émigré activities.

Boston (Ward) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, photocopy of court of inquiry proceedings, and printed matter, relating to the Israeli naval and air attack on the American naval intelligence ship Liberty on 8 June 1967, and to the subsequent inquiry into the attack.

Botkin (Gleb) letters

Relates to the fate of Tsar Nicholas II and his family during the Russian Revolution, and to inaccuracies in published accounts of the matter.

Botkin (Sergei Dmitrievich) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, reports, memoranda, interview summaries, notes, and printed matter, relating to Russian emigres in Berlin, elsewhere in Germany, and in other European countries, after the Russian Revolution; and to the claim of one Anastasiia Nikolaevna Chaikovskaia to be Grand...

Botswana subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, reports, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Botswana.

Botta (Lorenzo) letters

Lorenzo Botta was an officer in the Regio Esercito (Royal Italian Army). The collection consists of letters from Lorenzo Botta to his fiancé, Fernanda, written before, during, and after World War II.

Botz (Gerhard) miscellaneous papers

Writings, press releases, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to allegations of participation in World War II war crimes by Austrian President Kurt Waldheim, to public reaction to the charges in Austria, and to reflections on the significance of the national...

Bouhon (Julien) mimeograph

Relates to the battle of Bastogne, Belgium, 1944.

Bourbon Parme (Michel de, Prince) papers

Genealogical data, computer disks, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the royal house of Denmark.

Bourget (Pierre André) holograph

Relates to the feasibility of continued French resistance from a North African base in World War II. Includes a typescript copy.

Bouritch (V. P.) typescript

Relates to the integration of Montenegro into the state of Yugoslavia.

Boushall (Thomas C.) mimeograph

Speech relating to postwar reconstruction in the United States. Delivered before the Rotary Club of Roanoke, Virginia, October 26, 1944.

Bouton (Stephen M.) papers

Memoirs, dispatches, newspaper columns, other writings, speeches, and correspondence, relating to the German revolution of 1918, German politics and society from World War I to World War II, interwar European politics, and social conditions and civil liberties in the U.S.

Boutros-Ghali (Boutros) papers

Speeches and writings, memoirs, correspondence, clippings, and printed matter relating to international law, Egyptian foreign relations, international relations in the Middle East and throughout the world, and activities of the United Nations. Includes some papers of Charles Hill as special...

Bowen (Charles F.) papers

Memorandum (1965) and photocopies of clippings (1941) relating to the dedication in Laredo, Texas of bronze tablets commemorating the service of the 1st New Hampshire Infantry Regiment, United States National Guard, on the Mexican-American border, 1916-1917.

Bowles (Chester) mimeograph

Relates to Indian economic development needs and American aid to India.

Bowman (Alfred Connor) papers

Diaries, speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, printed matter, audio-visual materials, and photographs, relating to Allied Military occupation of Italy, especially Venezia Giulia and Trieste, after World War II, and plans for military occupation of North Korea in 1950.

Bowman (Frank O.) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, notes, military maps and charts, and photographs, relating to American military activities during World War II and the Korean War. Includes correspondence with General Samuel D. Sturgis, chief of engineers, 1951-1955; photographs and memoranda on bridge construction...

Boyadjieff (Christo) collection

Issues of Bulgarski Osvedomitelen Biuletin/Boletim Informativo Bulgaro, 1953-1955, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Bulgarian Review, 1961, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; relating to political conditions in Bulgaria.

Boyarsky (Bill) papers

Drafts of writings, notes, interview summaries, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to Ronald Reagan, his gubernatorial administration in California (1967-1974), and the 1976 and 1980 presidential election campaigns. Used as research material for the books by Bill Boyarsky, The...

Boyd (Leonard Russell) papers

Diaries, correspondence, unit histories, clippings, and memoranda, relating to the activities of the 93rd Division at the battle of Bougainville, and in other operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

Boyes (Joseph H.) papers

Memoirs, slides, and miscellany, relating to American military activities, and especially military medical activities, in the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II.

Boyle (Francis Dennis) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, and photographs, relating to the proposed development of submarine guided missiles.

Boynton (Charles L.) papers

Correspondence, diaries, writings, pamphlets, and photographs, relating to missionary work in Shanghai, the Shanghai American School, and social conditions in China.

Bozhnev (Boris) papers

Papers of the Russian-French poet and artist Boris Bozhnev contain writings, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian literature and art and to émigré life in France.

Braccio (Stefano) photographs

Depicts Italian military operations in the Soviet Union during World War II.

Bracs (Julijs) writings

Relates to Soviet secret police activities in Latvia, 1940-1941, and to activities of Nacionala Sardze, 1941-1944. Photocopy.

Brady (R. F.) papers

Notes and printed matter, relating to missionary work in China. Includes a University of Nanking Hospital report for 1940; a report entitled Ginling College, 1915-1940; notes and notices of the Nanking Union Church and Community, 1941; and Sketches of Nanking,...

Bramhall (Burle) collection

Reminiscences of several of the 781 Russian children known as the Petrograd Children's Colony, who were sent by their parents from Moscow and Petrograd in 1918 because of wartime shortage, were stranded in the Ural Mountains, evacuated from the war...

Bramuglia (Juan A.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, financial records, clippings, other printed matter, and photographs, relating to Argentine foreign relations and participation in the United Nations; political conditions in Argentina, especially the Peronist movement and the Partido Union Popular; and labor...

Branden (Albrecht Paul Maerker) typescript

Relates to British, German, Austrian, French, Italian, and Russian submarines.

Brandt (Karl) writings

Memorandum, 1942, relating to recommendations for U.S. regulation of fat and oil products during World War II; and transcript of a speech, entitled What to Do with Germany?, 1945, relating to postwar reconstruction of Germany.

Bratianu (Dan M.) typescript

Relates primarily to conditions in Romanian prisons. Photocopy.

Bratu (Alexandru) papers

Writings, correspondence, printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs, relating to the Consiliul National Român and other anti-communist political organizations in the United States, and to Romanian émigré affairs.

Braudo (Michel) processed volume

Relates to the nature of the Soviet regime under Iosif Stalin, the ideological conflict between Stalinism and Trotskyism, and its impact on left-wing politics in France and elsewhere, especially in the years 1936-1938.

Braun (Otto) miscellaneous papers

Memoranda and a letter relating to prospects for post-World War II reconstruction of Germany.

Braun (Sylwester) fotoreportaz : sierpen-wrzesie

Reproductions of photographs depicting the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.

Brazil. Constitution and legal code excerpts

Measures that the Brazilian Communist Party was accused of violating.

Brazilian subject collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, election campaign literature, and studies, relating primarily to political conditions and elections in Brazil.

Breaking the Mold : video tape

Relates to American-Soviet summit negotiations during the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Produced for the United States Institute of Peace.

Bredow (Ferdinand Eduard von) printed material

Relates to German political developments during the chancelleries of Franz von Papen and Kurt von Schleicher. Photocopies (incomplete) of published version appearing anonymously in the Prague newspaper Die Wahrheit in 1934. Includes typescript Gestapo memoranda relating to the publication.

Breed (Eugenie) papers

Letters received, writings, clippings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Romanian royal family and court circles, and to the post-World War II Romanian émigré community. Includes letters from Mother Alexandra (Princess Ileana) of Romania.

Breese (Alexander) papers

Correspondence, passports, certificates, letters of recommendation, and printed matter, relating to meteorology.

Breese (Marie Annenkov) papers

Memoirs and photographs, relating to the history of the Annenkov family; the Russian Revolution and Civil War, and émigré life in the United States, 1922-1943.

Breger (David) cartoons

Depicts American army life during World War II.

Breitigam (Gerald B.) typescript

Fictionalized account, relating to activities of the Czechoslovak Legion during the Russian Civil War. Published in Adventure Magazine.

Brelsford (Elinor B.) papers

Diary, slides, and sound recordings, relating to social conditions in China.

Brenan (J. F.) correspondence

Dispatches to the British Foreign Office, and letters, relating to interviews between J. F. Brenan and Chen Yu-jen (Eugene Chen), foreign minister, regarding Anglo-Chinese relations, the Chinese trade boycott, and the Canton-Kowloon Railway. Photocopy.

Brendel (Otto) typescript

Relates to social classes in Germany. Prepared for a United States Army training program at Indiana University.

Brennan (Robert) mimeograph

Speech relating to the role of Ireland in World War II. Delivered at the Nassau Club, Princeton, New Jersey, November 4, 1942.

Breshko-Breshkovskaia (Ekaterina) miscellaneous papers

Writings, correspondence, biographical data, and photographs, relating to the life of E. Breshko-Breshkovskaia. Includes drafts of the book by E. Breshko-Breshkovskaia, The Hidden Springs of the Russian Revolution (Stanford University Press, 1931); a biographical sketch of E. Breshko-Breshkovskaia by Aleksandr...

Bricard (Jacques) report

Relates to the German prisoner of war camp Oflag G.X.B. Report to General Bridoux, secretary of state for war of France.

Brickman (William W.) papers

The William W. Brickman papers document the career of a pioneer in the field of comparative education in the United States. Consisting largely of Brickman's writings, research materials and correspondence, the collection reflects the wide range of Brickman's scholarly interests....

Briegleb collection

Letters, reports, and memoranda, relating to the political and economic situation in Germany and in Eastern Europe, primarily from 1945-1949, the Nuremberg war crime trials, and communism in Germany after World War II.

Briggs (David Garrison) writings

Relates to conditions in the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East during World War II. Mainly draft fragments of the book by D. G. Briggs, Action amid Ruins (New York, 1945).

Briggs (Mitchell Pirie) collection

Manuscripts of writings, correspondence, and clippings relating to the role of George D. Herron, an adviser to Woodrow Wilson, in formulating the World War I peace settlement, and to his subsequent views on European politics. Used by M. P. Briggs...

Briggs (Otis Emmons) typescript

Relates to American military activities during World War I. Includes photographs.

Brindley (Thomas A.) typescript

Relates to operations of the China Youth Corps in providing educational, social and cultural activities for youth in Taiwan. Includes prospectus of the text. Published under the title The China Youth Corps in Taiwan (New York, 1999).

Brinton (Jasper T.) collection

Nine printed reproductions of paintings depicting scenes on the Italian front during World War I.

British Library of Information collection

The collection includes clippings from American newspapers in English, French, and German, collected by the British Library of Information in New York City. The clippings focus on American sentiment towards Great Britain and the British Empire in 1920-1921.

British Ministry of Information Library collection

Books, pamphlets, and leaflets, relating to World War I. Consists mainly of British propaganda. Collected by the British Ministry of Information Library. Card file drawers at the Hoover Institution Library & Archives itemize publications in this collection.

British pictorial collection

Photographs of various British military and political leaders, and miscellaneous scenes in Great Britain.

British subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, serial issues, bulletins, and clippings, relating to various aspects of twentieth-century British history and politics, and especially to the woman suffrage movement in Great Britain, British elections of 1974 and after, and the question of British policy regarding...

British Trade Corporation prospectus

Organization chartered to promote British commerce upon the close of World War I.

Brodie (Donald M.) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, reports, maps, and printed matter, relating to the King-Crane report on mandates in Turkey, 1919, and to the Conference on American Relations with China, held in Baltimore, 1925.

Brodin (Nils-Eric) papers

Speeches and writings, notes, clippings, bulletins, press releases, and printed matter, relating to the welfare state in Sweden; American and world politics; student radicalism; and conservative political groups in the United States. Includes a book-length study, (1969).

Brodsky (Joseph) papers

Correspondence, poems, other writings, printed matter, photographs, and drawings relating to Russian literature and dissent. Includes transcript of 1964 trial of Joseph Brodsky in the Soviet Union. Mainly collected by Diana Myers. Includes some papers of Diana Myers.

Brody (General) speech

Delivered at the Ecole des Francs-Bourgeois in Paris, July 11, 1920, at a ceremony in honor of the memory of former students of the school who had been killed in World War I.

Brody (Judit) - Thomas Kovari correspondence

Correspondence of Judit Brody and her husband Thomas Kovari with other post-1956 Hungarian émigrés in Western Europe and the United States, relating to resettlement adjustments.

Brokensha (David) collection

Studies, writings, pamphlets, newsletters, and printed matter, relating primarily to rural development, agriculture, family life, nutrition, education, various other socio-economic aspects of life in Ghana, South Africa, and eastern African countries.

Brombart (David) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, conference materials, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to the African-American Labor Center, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, and American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations participation in the international labor movement.

Bromberg (A. T.) collection

Notes, letters, printed matter, and miscellany, relating to the Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Bromstein (Reuben) papers

Correspondence, printed matter, photographs and memorabilia relating to communist youth activities in Canada and especially to the 3rd World Festival of Youth and Students for Peace and Friendship in East Berlin in 1951.

Brondgeest (Carel A. M.) memoir

Relates to the escape of C. A. M. Brondgeest from Japanese-occupied Peking via Yenan to Chungking in 1942. Includes a few letters by C. A. M. Brondgeest.

Broneer (Oscar Theodore) sound recording

Radio broacast relating to social conditions and relief operations in Greece at the end of World War II. Recorded by the National Broadcasting Company.

Brooker (Robert) motion picture film

Depicts scenes of daily life in Moscow, Leningrad, and Soviet Central Asia in 1959.

Brookes (Ralph H.) typescript

Relates to discrepancies among various editions of the collected works of V. I. Lenin published in the Soviet Union.

Brookings Institution Seminar on Problems of U.S. Foreign Policy records

Mimeographed working memoranda prepared for the seminar, relating to diverse aspects of current American foreign policy throughout the world. Includes a mimeographed report from the Russian Research Center, Harvard University, and a State Department pamphlet.

Brooks Korean War photographs

Member of the United States Army 519th Military Police Battalion. Collection includes photograph album and loose photographs, depicting operations and daily life of the 519th Military Police Battalion in Korea.

Brooks (Sidney) papers

The Sidney Brooks papers contain correspondence, mailing lists, reviews, synopses, and other materials relating to his book on American-German Relations after World War I, (1925). The collection also includes a photograph of Sidney Brooks.

Bross (Werner) typescript

Relates to the Nazi leader Hermann Göring as defendant in the Nuremberg Trials. Photocopy.

Brossard (E. B.) papers

The papers consist primarily of Brossard's writings and research materials, the bulk of which pertain to the history of the Venezuelan oil industry and to modern Venezuelan politics. In addition, the papers contain a considerable quantity of research materials relating...

Broughton (Nicholas) papers

Memoirs, camp newspapers, minutes, newsletters, and other printed matter, relating to conscientious objectors in the United States during World War II, conditions at Civilian Public Service Camp No. 76, a strike at the camp in 1946, and pacifist activities prior...

Brown (Andreas) collection

Includes telegrams from the White House to Governor Hiram Johnson of California, 1913, relating to the Alien Land Tenure Bill; four World War II French cartoons; the first issue of an Orleans, France, newspaper after the liberation of the city...

Brown (Edmund G.) Edmund G. Brown Press conference recording

Relates to the death of Herbert Hoover. Includes film of the carillon bells of the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace in tribute to Herbert Hoover

Brown (Elizabeth C.) papers

Memoirs, other writings, correspondence, and printed matter relating to American politics, especially during the 1950s; Senator Joseph McCarthy; and American communism. Includes some papers, including memoirs, of Constantine Brown, journalist and husband of E. C. Brown. Also includes some letters...

Brown (Everett Somerville) papers

Memoranda and news summaries prepared daily for Herbert Hoover, administrator of the United States Food Administration; and correspondence and printed matter relating to the Food Administration, American politics and government, and Herbert Hoover.

Brown (Forbes H.) collection

Anti-Catholic pamphlets and annotated books, relating to the relationship of the Catholic Church to fascism and the origins of World War II.

Brown (Hugh Henry) miscellany

Speech relating to Herbert Hoover and his work as head of the Commission for Relief in Belgium during World War I; printed miscellany relating to Hoover and World War I relief work; medal commemorating work of the Orphelinat des Armées,...

Brown (Percy) papers

The Percy Brown papers consist of writings, newspaper articles, and photographs relating to Percy Brown, a photojournalist and author who photographed scenes of World War I from the front lines on the Western front. Also included is information on the...

Brown (Timothy C.) papers

The collection features interviews with former revolutionaries, largely from Central America, as well as notes, correspondence, and drafts relating to Timothy Brown's writings.

Brown (Walter Lyman) papers

Photographs, correspondence, and writings relating to American relief work in Europe during and immediately after World War I.

Browne (Elmer H. Stanleigh) papers

Diaries and photographs, relating to American military life in the Philippines.

Browne (Louis E.) papers

Dispatches, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs relating to political conditions in Russia during the Russian Revolution, Allied intervention in Russia, and political conditions in Turkey at the end of World War I. Entire collection also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Brownell (Samuel Miller) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, and printed matter, relating to various aspects of United States government educational policy. Photocopy.

Brownlee (Aleta) papers

Memoirs and office files, relating to UNRRA and IRO relief work for displaced children in Austria at the end of World War II.

Brozen (Yale) papers

Speeches, writings, correspondence, and course materials related to economic theory, economic conditions in the United States, and governmental economic policy.

Brumby (Bob) radio news broadcast

Relates to the reopening of the Burma Road. Broadcast from Chungking, China, and recorded by the Mutual Broadcasting System.

Brunelli (Paul) typescript

Relates to activities of the Izmailovsky Guards Regiment during the year 1897. Photocopy. Photocopy.

Bruning (Heinrich) letters

Letters to the German industrialist Otto A. Friedrich, relating to postwar German reconstruction and politics. Includes one letter from Friedrich to Brüning. Photocopy.

Bruning (John R.) collection

Videorecordings of interviews of American and Japanese World War II pilots and German World War II submarine commanders; veterans' World War II-era photographs and ephemera; CDs of scanned images relating to World War II; photocopies of National Archives records relating...

Brunner (Frederick Emanuel) papers

Photographs, postcards, personnel records, pamphlet, memorabilia and miscellany, relating to conditions in Siberia during the Russian Civil War. Includes photographs of street scenes in Vladivostok, Russian and foreign troops in Siberia, railroad stock in Siberia, and scenes in Manchuria, Japan...

Bruns (Armin R.) motion picture film

Film of the eightieth birthday celebration for Herbert Hoover at West Branch, Iowa.

Brunton (Delbert) typescript

Doctoral dissertation, Stanford University.

Brush (Francis Willard) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, diaries, newsletters, printed matter, identification documents, and photographs, relating to conditions in Santo Tomás internment camp during World War II. Includes papers of Helen Nelson Brush, wife of Francis Brush and also an internee in Santo Tomás camp.

Bruttan (Helene) typescript

Relates to social and economic conditions in Germany, 1919-1947, especially during and immediately after World War II.

Bruyne (E. de.) typescript

Relates to the recruitment of non-Belgian members of the Walloon Legion, a Belgian military unit serving with German forces during World War II. Photocopy.

Bryan (Julien Hequembourg) papers

Correspondence, pictorial book and other writings, biographical data, videocassette, sound cassettes, and computer disk relating to the siege of Warsaw in 1939 and to conditions in Poland twenty years later.

Bublikov (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich) typescript

Relates to Russian reconstruction and public finance after the Russian Civil War.

Buch (Walter) report

Relates to the national socialist judicial system in Germany. Report of an interrogation of W. Buch by Allied authorities, July 7, 1945.

Bucher (Lloyd M.) papers

Correspondence, clippings, reports, court inquiry proceedings, photographs, plaques, and memorabilia, relating to the capture of the intelligence ship Pueblo by North Korea in 1968 and the imprisonment and subsequent release of its crew. Includes drafts and galleys of memoirs, entitled...

Buchman (Alexander H.) papers

Correspondence, writings, police reports, printed matter, motion picture film, still photographs, negatives and slides relating to Leon Trotsky and Trotskyism, especially in China and the United States, to the Trotskyist C. Frank Glass, and to Rayna Prohme, revolutionary American journalist...

Buck (John Lossing) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, 1944, relating to the employment of J. L. Buck as chief economist of the National Agricultural Engineering Corporation of China; and statistics, 1963, relating to Chinese agricultural production from 1929 to 1958.

Buckalew (Frank R.) notes

Relates to various aspects, mainly statistical, of the Greek population, economy, and government.

Buckley (John F.) miscellaneous papers

Photographs and miscellany, relating to United States Information Agency activities in Germany, Vietnam and the Soviet Union.

Buckmaster (Elliott) photographs

Depicts E. Buckmaster and other officers, naval vessels, and American naval operations in the Bay of Whales, Antarctica.

Budberg (Baron Aleksei) papers

Memoirs and diaries, relating to Russian military activities during World War I, and to White Russian military activities in Siberia during the Russian Civil War.

Buddhist Church of San Francisco records

Founded in 1898, the Buddhist Church of San Francisco was the first Jodo Shinshu (Pure Land) Buddhist temple established in the continental United States and is the flagship temple of the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA). The Buddhist Church of...

Budek (Mieczyslaw Andrzej) papers

Memoirs and other biographical data, relating mainly to American Relief Administration activities in Poland at the end of World War I. Photocopy.

Budin (Stanislav) papers

Writings, correspondence, personal documents, and printed matter, relating to political and cultural conditions in Czechoslovakia, and to Czechoslovak journalism. Includes papers of Hana Budínová, Rita Budínová-Mlynarová-Klímová, and Zdenek Mlynár, respectively the wife, daughter and son-in-law of S. Budín.

Bugbee (Fred William) correspondence

Excerpts from letters from F. W. Bugbee to his wife, 1919-1920, and a letter from General William S. Graves to F. W. Bugbee, 1921, relating to American intervention and the Russian Civil War in Siberia. Photocopy.

Bugeaud de la Piconnerie (Thomas Robert) correspondence

Relates to the French subjugation of Algeria. Photocopy.

Buianov (M. I.) typescript

Relates to social and cultural conditions of various republics of the Soviet Union during the twentieth century.

Bujak (Zbigniew) miscellany

Solidarnosc identification card, and inscribed printed copy of memoirs.

Bukharin (Nikolai Ivanovich ) portfolio of photographs

Depicts the Soviet communist leader Nikolaĭ Bukharin at various stages of his career. Portfolio published by the TSentral'nyĭ Ordenov Lenina i Oktiabr'skoĭ Revoliutsii Muzeĭ Revoliutsii SSSR.

Bukovskii (Vladimir Konstantinovich) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, reports, Soviet government documents, printed matter, and photographs relating to civil liberties in the Soviet Union, post-Soviet Russia and elsewhere, political conditions in post-Soviet Russia, and promotion of international democracy.

Bulf (Mary) typescript

Relates to conditions on the home front in the United States during World War II.

Bulgaria. Armiia. Gvardeiski na Negovo Velichestvo Konen Polk brochure

Commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Bulgarian Gvardeiski na Negovo Velichestvo Cavalry Regiment.

Bulgaria. Komisii͡a za razkrivane na dokumentite i za obi͡avi͡avane na prinadlezhnost na bŭlgarski grazhdani kŭm Dŭrzhavna sigurnost i razuznavatelnite sluzhbi na Bŭlgarskata narodna armii͡a publications

Printed reports and computer disks relating to activities of the Bulgarian secret service from 1944 to 1991. Includes reproductions of official Bulgarian documents from that period.

Bulgaria miscellaneous records

Digital copies of selected documents from Bulgarian governmental archives, relating to Bulgarian participation in the Warsaw Pact military intervention in Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Bulgaria newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Bulgaria newspaper collection (1913-2001) comprises fifty-three different titles of publication, in Bulgarian, French, German, and English. All titles within...

Bulgarian subject collection

Pamphlets, serial issues, newsletters, election campaign literature, press summaries, and video tapes, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Bulgaria; Bulgarian history from the mid-nineteenth century through World War II; allegations of Bulgarian involvement in the attempted assassination of...

Bulhak (Jan) photographs

Depicts various locations in Poland, primarily Warsaw, Vilna, Lwow, and Kraków.

Buliubash (Evgenii Grigor'evich) papers

Correspondence, clippings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian Imperial military forces, before, during, and after the Russian Revolution and Civil War, and to activities of the Russian émigré community in the United States.

Bullis (Richard Spencer) writings

Relates to activities of the American destroyer Waldron in the Pacific Theater during World War II, the occupation of Tokyo Bay at the end of the war, and the subsequent history of the Waldron up to its transfer to the...

Bund der Vertriebenen publications

Pamphlets, brochures, and catalogs, relating to post-World War II expulsion of Germans from Eastern Europe and their civil rights status.

Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaft records

Minutes, correspondence, memoranda, reports, financial records, press releases, printed matter, and photographs, relating to education in West Germany and reunified Germany, and especially to radicalism in German educational institutions.

Bund neues Deutschland leaflet

Relates to prerequisites for post-World War II German reconstruction.

Bunescu (Alexandru D.) papers

Speeches and writings, lecture notes, reports, studies, newsletters, pamphlets, and printed matter, relating to twentieth century Romanian history, politics, government, and foreign relations; Radio Free Europe; the Romanian National Council; and the Assembly of Captive European Nations.

Bungey (Grace Belle Reames) papers

Photographs, memorabilia, and miscellany, relating to Red Cross relief work in Siberia during the Russian Revolution, and subsequent travels and personal matters.

Bunin family papers

Writings, certificates, photographs, postcards, and miscellany relating to social conditions and rural life in Russia before the Russian Revolution, Russian émigré life in France and the United States, and activities of the right-wing Russian émigré group Mladorosskaia Partiia in France...

Bunin (Viktor M.) typescript

Relates to the Russian Civil War, 1918-1920.

Bunjevic (Dusan) typescript

Relates to the resistance movement headed by Draža Mihailovic in Yugoslavia during World War II. Photocopy.

Bunn (John) collection

Manuals and memoranda, issued by various United States Army agencies, relating to the organization of athletic programs for American soldiers in Europe.

Bunyan (James) papers

Excerpts from published sources, documents, and notes (primarily in Russian), relating to the Ukrainian government, Russia, Siberia, and the Far Eastern Republic during the Russian Civil War in 1919, used by J. Bunyan as research material for his book, (1934);...

Bunzel (John H.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, minutes, grant proposals, memoranda, reports, studies, hearing transcripts, printed matter, and photographs related to political science, administration of San Jose State University, student radicalism at San Francisco State University, activities of the Institute for Educational Affairs...

Burda (Ron) photographs

Photographs of Prince Vasili Romanov, Russian émigré in the United States.

Burden (John Alfred) papers

Reports, captured documents and translations, correspondence, diary, maps, and photographs, relating to military operations on Guadalcanal and other areas of the Solomon Islands, especially to interrogation of captured Japanese soldiers and translation of captured Japanese documents.

Burdett (William C.) papers

The William C. Burdett papers (1942-1973, 2021) consists of photographs, scrapbooks, documents, correspondence, and clippings belonging to Foreign Service officer William Burdett. The material relates to Burdett's foreign service in Ecuador, the Middle East and Israel, Africa, the Suez Canal...

Burdick (Charles Burton) papers

The Charles B. Burdick collection includes writings and research materials relating to Austrian mobilization and alleged espionage in World War I; Germany and expatriated Germans in World War II; and Ralph H. Lutz, director of the Hoover Institution.

Bureau de presse et d'information armenien communiques

Relates to Armenian attempts to establish an independent republic, Turkish massacres of Armenians, and Armenian relief needs.

Burgess (Carter L.) papers

Reports, studies, memoranda, legislation, correspondence, manuals, clippings, and photographs, relating to American defense policy during the presidential administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower, especially with regard to personnel management in the armed forces, and to the role of reserve forces; civil...

Burgess (John Stewart) papers

Letters, poems, and printed matter, relating to missionary work of the Young Men's Christian Association in China and to revolutionary movements in China.

Burgess (W. Randolph) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, minutes, memoranda, printed matter, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to international trade and finance, banking and American monetary policy, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Atlantic Council, the Atlantic Treaty Association, and American foreign relations with Europe.

Burgos-Debray (Elisabeth) papers

Correspondence, writings, sound recordings and transcripts of interviews, and printed matter relating to the trial of the French revolutionary journalist Régis Debray in Bolivia; revolutionary movements and political conditions in Bolivia, Cuba, Venezuela and elsewhere in Latin America; women in...

Burhans (Robert D.) papers

Materials relating to activities of the First Special Service Force ("Devil's Brigade") and the 474th Infantry Regiment during World War II including correspondence, field orders, directives, reports, regulations, handbooks, maps, and photographs. Used as research material for the book by...

Burke (John) mimeograph

An account of certain feasts, stories, and customs of the Are-Are, people of Little Mala in the Southern Solomons.

Burkhardt (Paul Richard) correspondence

Relates to German military operations during World War II. Includes some posthumous letters relating to the death of P. R. Burkhardt in battle on the Eastern front.

Burkinabe subject collection

Pamphlets, serial issues, reports, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Burkina Faso.

Burland (Elmer Granville) miscellaneous papers

Memorandum, letters, and miscellany, relating to American Relief Administration operations in Russia, and to Soviet-American commercial relations.

Burland (Elmer Granville) typescript

Relates to the prospects for a Soviet-American trade agreement.

Burleigh (Michael) collection

Photocopies of correspondence, government documents, judicial and medical records, and printed matter, relating to German interest in Eastern Europe and to eugenics in Germany before and during the Nazi period. Used as research material for the books by M. Burleigh,...

Burlin (P. G.) writings

Study entitled "Kratkaia Spravka o Russkom Kazachestve" and a report entitled "Proiskhozhdenie Kazakov-Doklad" relating to Russian Cossack daily life, and class and military structure.

Burmese subject collection

Reports, studies, pamphlets, serial issues, other printed matter, and memorabilia relating to the history of Burma and to political, social, and economic conditions in Burma.

Burnham (DeWitt K.) miscellaneous papers

Photocopies of letters, printed matter, and a sound recording, relating to the American physician Leo Eloesser.

Burnham (Frederick R.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to the Matabele Wars of 1893 and 1896 in Rhodesia, the Boer War, exploration expeditions in Africa, and gold mining in Alaska duing the Klondike gold rush.

Burnham (James) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to communism in the United States and abroad, the Congress for Cultural Freedom and other anti-communist movements in the United States and abroad, political conditions in the United States and...

Burns (Hobert W.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, curricular material, and printed matter, relating to education in the United States, and especially to administration of Sonoma State University.

Burns (Norman) papers

Memoir, speeches and writings, memoranda, and reports, relating to security investigations in the State Department, American development assistance in the Middle East and Africa, and the American University of Beirut. Includes term papers by students at the university, relating to...

Burnside (Merrill Davis) memoirs

Relates primarily to aircraft production in the United States and American aerial operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II, and to the postwar occupation of Japan.

Burr (Myron Carlos) papers

Correspondence and printed matter, relating to Herbert Hoover, the Republican National Convention of 1936, and Stanford University. Includes two letters from Herbert Hoover to M. C. Burr, and a phonotape of reminiscences by M. C. Burr, ca. 1973, relating to...

Burress (Burrell J.) miscellany

German propaganda leaflet, 1918; and photocopy of certificate of discharge from the United States Army, 1919.

(Burress) Richard T. interview transcript

Relates to the presidential administration of Richard M. Nixon.

Burrill (Harvey D.) dispatches

The Harvey D. Burrill dispatches relate to conditions in England and France after World War I and the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. There is a special emphasis on citizens from Syracuse, NY who were abroad, as the dispatches were...

Burtsev (Vladimir L'vovich) papers

Memoirs, essays, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to the Menshevik and Social Revolutionary movements before 1917, Evno Azef and other Okhrana agents, and counterrevolutionary movements during the Russian Revolution. Also available on microfilm (2 reels).

Burundian subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions, civil war, and refugees in Burundi.

Busch (Bernhard) holograph

Relates to German military activities during World War I. Includes photographs.

Busler (Michael) miscellaneous papers

Writings and correspondence with Milton Friedman relating to economic policy.

Busterud (John) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, studies, and printed matter, relating to international and domestic energy and environmental programs.

Buteweg-Nell family papers

Identification papers, government documents, certificates, and photographs, relating to activities of various members of the related Buteweg and Nell families, and especially reflecting conditions on the home front in Germany during World War II and subsequently during the Allied occupation.

Butler (Charles A.) typescript

Relates to American reaction to the Versailles Treaty and the Covenant of the League of Nations, 1919.

Butler (Charles Terry) typescript

Relates to activities of the Medical Corps of the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I. Photocopy.

Butler (Stuart M.) processed volume

Diary entries of Butler and of his son, Stuart M. Butler, Jr., a first lieutenant in the United States Army Air Forces, relating to American aerial operations in World War I and in the European Theater during World War II.

Butterway (Georgia Elizabeth) miscellaneous papers

Letters, invitation, certificate, and clipping, relating to Herbert Hoover and Stanford University; and World War II American military insignia and civilian ration books.

Butts (R. Freeman) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, reports, studies, conference papers and proceedings, syllabi, curricular material, clippings, and other printed matter relating to the role of education in society, civic education, education in the United States, and international education.

Byckoff (Michael M.) collection

Currency, banknotes, and stamps, issued by the Russian Imperial and Soviet governments, and by various regional and local governments and banks during the period of the Russian Civil War.

Byelorussian Centeral Council memorandum

Relates to forced labor and national policy of the Soviet Union regarding Belarus. Addressed to the United Nations.

Byers (Clovis E.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, diaries, speeches and writings, clippings, personnel records, and audiovisual material, relating to the Pacific Theater during World War II, the Army of Occupation in Japan, the Korean War, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization command in Europe.

Bykadorov (I.) papers

Mandates, orders, and circulars, relating to the Civil War in the south of Russia. Includes a list of the main events in the history of the Don Army prepared by I. Bykadorov.

Bykadorov (Vladimir Isaakovich) writings

Relates mainly to activities of the Russkaia Osvoboditel'naia Armiia during World War II.

Byron (Elizabeth) papers

Elizabeth Byron was a New York based journalist and editor in the field of art and architecture and a great-great-grandchild of Alexander II of Russia. Includes family correspondence, genealogical material regarding the Russian imperial family, photographs, portraits, miniatures, and a...